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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

June 2, 2023

The Danger of Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that often causes damage, but it can also be righteous. The Lord also expects us to learn to control our anger so it’s appropriate and doesn’t cause us to sin.

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May 9, 2023

How to Develop a Heart for God

A hunger for the heavenly Father doesn’t ordinarily appear all of a sudden, fully matured, in one’s heart. Most of the time, it’s something that must be cultivated, and the best place to begin is the Bible. That’s where we listen to the Lord as He speaks to us in His Word.

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May 4, 2023

God Is Always In Control

Devotional: God is Always in Control. As believers, we must accept that God won’t always make sense to us. Isaiah teaches that His ways and thoughts are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). He sees the beautifully completed big picture.

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April 27, 2023

Learning from Failure

We would probably all prefer to grow in our faith without ever making a mistake before God's eyes, but we cannot deny that missteps are instructive. Failure teaches believers

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April 21, 2023

The Secret of Contentment

The hardships of life can easily drag us down if we don’t keep our focus on the Lord.When you feel unsatisfied, remember all you have in Christ and respond according to these truths rather than your feelings.

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April 4, 2023

On the Bottom Looking Up

When you hit bottom as David did, there is a way back. Focusing on the Lord can lead you out of discouragement and into His presence.

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March 24, 2023

The Riches of God’s Grace

Do you think of yourself as rich? No matter how much money you have, if you're a believer in Jesus, you're extremely wealthy because God has lavished the riches of His grace upon you.

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March 20, 2023

Overcoming Guilt

Are you burdened by your past? By pouring out your heart to God, you can find peace and freedom.

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March 9, 2023

Put On a Heart of Compassion

A heart of compassion is achieved not through self-effort but through a God-focused life. As we draw near to Him through His Word and His Son, He transforms our focus, thoughts, and feelings.

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March 7, 2023

Responding to Difficulty

The Lord controls and sets limits on our burdens so they don’t overwhelm us.

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