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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

March 4, 2023

Willing to Wait for God’s Way

Many Christians struggle with waiting. So why might the Lord have us delay? One reason is to protect us.

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February 28, 2023

The Gift of Love

Is there someone in your life you’re struggling to love? Someone, it just seems impossible to muster any affection?

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February 21, 2023

The Empowering Emotion of Joy

Being supernatural in nature, divine joy exists independently of our circumstances. Happiness, on the other hand, comes from external causes, is an earthly in character, and increases or decreases as events change.

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February 1, 2023

Staying Close to God

A devastating event can certainly strain how we see our relationship with God. Yet there’s no need to spiral into shame about the struggle.

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January 14, 2023

Taking Risks

Where is God calling you to trust Him? Remember, each time you face risk, it’s an opportunity to experience His faithfulness firsthand.

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January 9, 2023

The Lord Understands

Whatever you’re going through right now, remember that Jesus knows how you feel and sympathizes with your pain and weakness. He may not remove the anguish or change your situation, but He does promise He’ll always be with you.

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January 3, 2023

The Impact of Prayer

Believer’s prayers have tremendous impact, particularly on their own faith and life. Do you understand what an awesome privilege it is to kneel before the all-powerful Father and know that He listens and will respond? God loves to be good to His children and answer their prayers.

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December 13, 2022

A Godly Heart

Do your desires align with God's purpose and plan for your life? He longs to give His followers abundant blessings and fullness of joy. So allow your dreams to be conformed to the Lord's will, and follow His guidance faithfully. Only when you surrender to Him will you experience God's best for your life.

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December 4, 2022

The Uniqueness of Christ

Jesus was never merely human. As complex as it is for us to comprehend, He was fully God and fully man. This is the unique way in which our heavenly Father chose to demonstrate His eternal love for us.

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October 27, 2022

Praying When in Need

Prayer starts with transitioning our thoughts from the situation at hand to the Lord. What we need is His perspective on the difficulty we’re facing.

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