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Thoughts By Julie Cosgrove

January 14, 2020

Something Else

Don’t ever give up on the people for whom you are praying. The Holy Spirit will help you find creative ways to bring them to Jesus. But then, you have to let the Savior do what he needs to do and trust his timing.

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November 17, 2019

Right Us Again

You shouldn't struggle on your own because, like a sheep, most likely it will be beyond your capability to get right again no matter how hard you try. Press the call button and seek out the Shepherd. He will have compassion and help you get on your feet again, or carry you until you’re strong enough to do so.

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October 16, 2019

Unresolved Anger

Anger is a silent killer. Not only can it fester in our hearts and cause our blood pressure to rise — it also discolours how we see things.

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September 7, 2019


If we walk with our Lord in the way He deems, then the undertows in our world will no longer be a snare.

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August 11, 2019

Barely Thriving

Thank you Lord for not abandoning us, but mercifully nurturing us as we learn to grow in Your spirit.  Amen.

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July 3, 2019

See? Good

Toddlers taste everything. They judge what is good and bad by how it reacts on their tongues. Are we any different? How many of us have asked someone to taste what we are cooking to "see if it is good"? 

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March 21, 2019

Eyes on You

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will

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March 17, 2019


Dear God, let me never back away from your mercy and grace. Let me be ready to confess my sins so I can once again enjoy your presence and receive your blessings. I desperately need you in my life. Amen.

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March 9, 2019

Fall on the Lamb

In Scotland, two men were thatching a roof. One slipped and fell off.The other heard him cry out but couldn't reach out fast enough to save his friend.

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February 24, 2019

More Than

There was a time I over-worried about my appearance and what others thought. I was so self-conscious I imagined the giggled whispers.

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