November 11, 2018
Crushed in Spirit
When sadness and depression settles into one’s mind, heart, and soul, it is not easy to shuck the feelings off, break out of the rut, and move on as some may suggest or think.
Read more..When sadness and depression settles into one’s mind, heart, and soul, it is not easy to shuck the feelings off, break out of the rut, and move on as some may suggest or think.
Read more..In the school of Christ, brokenness is a good thing. “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.”Psalm 51:8 (NIV)
Read more..Let go of the past, as you face the future with your Father. Be blessed with refreshing and renewal in His presence, as you pursue the fulfillment that He has created for you. Be blessed as He gives you victory and rejoices over you.
Read Max Lucado. I’m convinced the Sabbath was created for frantic souls like me, people who need a weekly reminder that the world will not stop if I do.
Read more..Millions of Americans have trouble sleeping! You may be one of them. Only one other living creature has as much trouble resting as we do. They are woolly, simpleminded, and slow…sheep. Sheep can’t sleep! For sheep to sleep, everything must be just right. No predators. No tension i
Read more..In spite of the challenges you face each day, the Lord will give to you enough of His grace and strength to get through victoriously! Yes, He is imparting His Love within you to turn the other cheek!
Read more..6 Verses for When You Feel You’re not Enough. You know those days? Whether they come often or only once in a while, they’re there—those days that make you feel like you’re not enough.
Read more..“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 I always thought I was free. Not only was I descended from independent pioneer forebears, but I had also come to understand (I thought) the concept of grace.
Read more..What results do people see in your life? If they don’t see you living a Christian life, then nothing you can say will make much of a difference. Remember to live and reflect on Monday that which you say on Sunday.
Read more..“Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the
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