November 1, 2018
The Stone of Unbelief
“Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the
Read more..“Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the
Read more..My own life was dramatically transformed when by faith I claimed the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. The most important truth that I or anyone else could share with Christians is to help them understand the person and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Read more..An anchor has one purpose—to steady the boat. The anchor for the soul is set, not on a boat or person or possession, but it is set in the inner sanctuary behind the curtain where Jesus has entered on our behalf.
Read more..Today when you encounter someone who is bearing a heavy load and struggling to keep afloat, “hold the rope” for her; pray for her and let her know that you are. If you are in a storm yourself be open about asking someone to hold you up in prayer. It will make a difference!
Read more..So what can Paul mean by this verse? Though at first it sounds contrary to the Gospel, it actually confirms it. Read it again.
Read more..Vengeance is God’s. He will repay—whether ultimately on the Day of Judgment or intermediately in
Read more..He was wearing a bright red t-shirt and jeans and when he was close enough I could read the words printed on the front. The top line said in big white letters: God Forgives
Read more..Prayer: God, thank you for opening the eyes of our understanding and allowing us to see what You see; our focus is often on what is right before us. When we are challenged we lose sight ...
Read more..When we pray we should look carefully for a response. It may be disguised even though it is right before our eyes. And when God answers our prayers we should rejoice, give thanks and give Him all the glory.
Read more..Thought: Isn't it good that we can sing alone and know God loves our song! Isn't it even better that we can join others in songs of praise and lose ourselves in wonder, love, and praise!
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