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Thoughts By Doug Lim

May 10, 2021


As you face challenges, ask the Lord to be your joy and peace.

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May 6, 2021

Bitter Hearts

When tempted to react angrily to someone else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you exercise self-control and look at that person with compassion.

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April 9, 2021

Tested Faith

Lord, help me to see the tests in my life the way you see them. I thank you for all the second chances you have given me. And with each hurdle I overcome, may my faith and trust in you deepen, my Lord and Savior. Amen.

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March 16, 2021

Big, Big Plans

How often do we dive into a project without activating our faith, relying on our power alone instead? God wants us to partner with his Son before jumping in feet first into a big project.

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January 12, 2021

Imperfect Me

When we find ourselves short-tempered with those around us, Jesus wants us to look back at all the times he has been patient with us.

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November 13, 2020


God reminds us through the storms and trials in our lives that we cannot fix everything to our liking.

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October 18, 2020

Just Being Nice

Our Father in heaven wants us to be images of his Son — because there is no limit to the kindness Jesus has shown each of us. How then can we put an arbitrary limit on kindness when it comes to others?

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September 29, 2020

Who’s There?

We cannot close our ears to Christ’s steady knocks and think he will give up. He never will. Jesus wants us to welcome him in with hearts hungering to spend time with him.

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September 9, 2020

Our Safety Net

During uncertain times, my need for extra security rises. I store up more worldly goods and spend more time trying to figure out ways to protect my loved ones. I wonder if I am doing enough to keep them healthy and safe

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February 18, 2020

Thrown in the Deep End

God’s purpose often puts us into deep waters. He calls us to move from the safety of the kiddie end of the pool and head toward the deep end. If we choose to paddle only in waist-deep water, we miss the chance to witness his grace and power at work.

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