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Thoughts By Gail Rodgers

April 25, 2021

Stand in Awe

As spring unfolds across the Northern Hemisphere this month, may we pause to observe the wonder of the newness of life.

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April 22, 2021

God Loves You

“God loves you” is a deeply profound statement that will change your life if you will let it. Dare to explore with me the depth of this love.

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March 27, 2021

Prayer to Thirst for God

“O, God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You…”

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March 9, 2021

When You Don’t Know What to Do

Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness and humility.

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March 6, 2021

Fruit of the Spirit

So what does the fruit of a Christian look like? When we allow the Holy Spirit to have power in our life it shows in specific ways.

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February 28, 2021

Where Are You Looking?

When we leave Jesus to the side of the picture and focus on the things that  swirl around us we often find our footing unsure and our clarity blurred. When we put Jesus in the center...

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January 21, 2021

Prayer for Guidance?

Does the maze of life have you in its rushing and running grasp today? Do you need calm in your being and direction in your steps? God promises to give you exactly that. Let His word seep into your heart and pray this prayer with a sincere and grateful heart because HE IS your hope today

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January 15, 2021

Needing Peace?

Our sense of peace can be dislodged and replaced by turmoil and confusion before we even realize it.  God’s Word puts it simply.

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December 17, 2020

Walk it Out

“Whatever you did for the one of the least of these brothers and sisters of

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November 21, 2020

A Little Frayed

The frenzied pace we sometimes choose to keep can take a toll on our homes and impact our relationships. When we live at a pace that continually drains us we end up taking it out on those closest to us.

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