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Thoughts By Jon Walker

October 19, 2019

God Peels Back the Layers until the Real You is Revealed

God keeps peeling away the layers until the real you is revealed. He uses adversity in your life to scrape away the layers that cover your real life.

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August 27, 2019

Jesus Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice

When you feel condemnation coming at you like a furious flood, look to Jesus, who says, “I no longer condemn you. Go and sin no more”

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August 2, 2019

You are Defined by God, and God Alone

Your faith will grow stronger as you focus on your identity in Christ (Galatians 2). What this means is that you abandon any image of yourself that is not from God.

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July 22, 2019

Who Could Use Your Encouragement Today?

Is there someone who could use your encouragement today? Don’t wait until later! Encourage that person right now.

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June 11, 2019

Loyal to Your Fears or Loyal to Jesus?

Jesus says we should understand this: if we fear we will lose out on life by following him, the truth is we will lose it all anyway, and at the same time, we will lose out on the real, kingdom life we’re searching for.

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April 30, 2019

God’s Love Fills Me

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the

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March 29, 2019

Why We’re Less Likely to Try Great Things for God

God pours his power into your life, giving you his strength to do what he’s called to do. Faith is acting in confidence that God’s power is active in and through your life;

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November 11, 2018

Brokenness as a Good Thing

In the school of Christ, brokenness is a good thing. “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.”Psalm 51:8 (NIV)

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November 7, 2017

The Cost of Discipleship

“Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of

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August 26, 2017

Becoming Poor in Self-Sufficiency

“Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to

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