August 20, 2021
His Breath in Our Lungs
"It's your breath in our lungs..."* We frequently sing those words in Sunday worship but they carry far greater impact since my husband's recent illness.
Read more.."It's your breath in our lungs..."* We frequently sing those words in Sunday worship but they carry far greater impact since my husband's recent illness.
Read more..Who is it you are looking for?” Down through the ages the same question is whispered to every human at one time or another.
Read more..Lord, I am going through a famine in (personal area of your life). Would You help me to lean into You and trust that You will bring me into a feast of fullness? Thank You for your never ending love. Amen.
Read more..“We are Christ’s ambassadors.” By definition, ambassadors represent their own country to another government and the very best ambassadors learn the language of the country to which they are assigned.
Read more..In our world where scientific, rationalistic thinking is highly prized, it seems preposterous, even unwise, to state with assurance that one’s entire life on earth - and beyond - is based on the unseen.
Read more..Precious Lord, I confess that it is much easier to make excuses for myself than to intentionally grow in faith. Help me face myself honestly,
Read more..Confession, while necessary, may not always bring the instant relief we desire but God is faithful to forgive and bring His healing.
Read more..How is God our refuge? How do we run into the fortress he claims to be?
Read more..We are not created to be merely admired by others. God intends that we are to imitate Him by helping to produce other works of art.
Read more..“ In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make
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