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Thoughts By Marilyn Ehle

December 7, 2020

The Mingling of Joy and Sorrow

The story of Christmas is one of beauty - and also of impending sorrow. We easily forget that the child of the manger grew up to be the man of the cross. It is at times like this we are reminded to not neglect either aspect of the story.

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October 27, 2020

Quit Time

Has your Quiet Time become a Quit Time? Becoming quiet is not easy. It takes practice and discipline to repeatedly bow before the Lord.

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October 9, 2020

Give Jesus Your Boat

Master, help us give up our boats which are really only symbols of our own accomplishment. Help us trust you with all that we have and are and then expectantly wait for all that you wish to do in and through us.

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September 29, 2020

He’s Still Knocking

I wonder how many times during the day Jesus gently knocks to warn me of his waiting presence? Not a warning that danger is imminent (though that may be true), but to warn in the sense of putting me on the alert, giving me notice that he is ready to give counsel or send some special message of his love.

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September 15, 2020

What am I Doing?

"I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me." John 5:30 Economic uncertainty sends us into the world of “what ifs.”

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August 24, 2020

God’s Question

God’s first recorded question is one that rings down through the ages: “Where are you?"

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August 9, 2020

Walking on the Mountain

Two hikers, bone weary from trudging toward the peak of a majestic mountain, pause when one says, “I think we’re on the wrong path; we’ve stopped making progress. Maybe it’s time to turn back.”

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June 29, 2020

The Unwelcome Promise

“In the world you will have trouble…” John 16:33 How easily we’ve bought into the

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May 2, 2020

The Covid Road

You can walk the Covid road knowing the peace that is absolutely beyond understanding. It’s God’s sure promise.

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April 8, 2020

Jesus the Nazarene

Have you experienced family situations such as are described above? What is your immediate reaction when friends or family do not appreciate your experiences? How might your reactions change if you remembered that Jesus, too, experienced such misunderstanding?

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