September 9, 2022
Will God Be There?
Father, Thank you for the promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. God is always there.
Read more..Father, Thank you for the promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. God is always there.
Read more..‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Hebrews 13:5 “Come on, Johnny. It’s time to go. Johnny, if you don’t come right now, I’m leaving you… OK, Johnny, here I go. Goodbye…” The harried mother walks away, not really intending to leave her child, but...
Read more..Devotional on dealing with tension in our life. Lord, my problem really isn’t tension. It’s knowing how to deal with tension. Help me recognize when I’m using my human methods instead of turning to you. And thank you for the true rest you provide.
Read more..How encouraging to know that when we stumble, God is not only there to provide new strength for the race, but if our stumbling is caused by sin, he offers the remedy to make us whole and healthy again.
Read more..Jesus specifically compares wind to the work of the Spirit of God in the new birth process,
Read more..Prayer:Jesus, I’m often afraid on this path of following you, but I’m grateful that you gently lead & insistently love me in the midst of both faith & fear.
Read more.."As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it." Luke 19:41 He is about to face the most horrible experience ever encountered.
Read more..I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection. Intellectual doors because I’m unsure what deep study will uncover. Spiritual doors because I wonder if giving my all will truly mean giving my all.
Read more..Lord, help me understand that you are in the storm with me, that your desire is for my own good and your glory. Thank you for always reaching out your hand of rescue.
Read more..Daniel and his friends walked in quietness and trust long before they faced the furnace.
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