September 30, 2023
Welcoming Strangers
"Was our friend an angel as described in the book of Hebrews? He didn’t look particularly angelic, but his presence brought blessing that we recall to this very day."
Read more.."Was our friend an angel as described in the book of Hebrews? He didn’t look particularly angelic, but his presence brought blessing that we recall to this very day."
Read more..God did not rescue Jesus from the temptations of the Evil One. He gave Him power to resist. What do you do when you lose your dreams?
Read more..Have you ever had a dream die? Something you wanted to accomplish in life but “life” got in the way? it is God’s great pleasure to give us new dreams and fresh hopes. Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to give you hope and a future.”
Read more..“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” John 20:21
Read more..Do you say, . “I’ll follow, but…” "I’ll obey, however…” “I’ll speak, except…” ? The only One with no buts, excepts or howevers in His life was Jesus and He, living within us, promises to give us the power to present ourselves as living sacrifices, ready and willing to experience all that He is ready to give.
Read more..In recent months I've become painfully aware of acquaintances and close friends facing near-unspeakable tragedy. Their reactions have been as varied as their situations.
Read more..How do we know the God we serve and say we believe in is an awesome God if we are never in a situation where we need an awesome God?
Read more..What is it that turns my melodies of worship into shrill complaint or depressed moaning? Is it the stress of an overfull calendar?
Read more..God knows that instant gratification will spoil me for the best in life, that settling for second best will often cause heartache, that lack of self-discipline will make me soft instead of strong.
Read more..Our Father's teacher heart is evident by the way many of His instructions are followed by a "so that" phrase.
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