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Thoughts By Men

September 1, 2023

No Limit to His Love

When asked to describe the width of his love, he stretched one hand to the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that position so you would know he died loving you.

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August 31, 2023

Win the Argument Yet Lose

There are times when one thinks they’ve won an argument but still wind up the loser in the end. The loss comes from not watching the tongue.

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August 30, 2023

The Easy Yoke

When I was young I thought a godly life meant avoiding things that others in town enjoyed freely. I was on the outside looking in as my youthful peers spoke of their first cigarette, drink, and engagements with girls. Their lives seemed carefree, and mine a burden.

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August 29, 2023


“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good

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August 28, 2023

Let Us Bow Down

Worship is more than our heart, soul, and words offered to God. It's our posture. When we understand the grace he has given us to be called his children, what else can we do but bow down.

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August 27, 2023

Handling the Tough Times

How do you handle your tough times? When you are tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of hard weeks or hard-headed people—how do you manage your dark days?

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August 26, 2023

In Everything You Do

The "Golden Rule" is so straightforward, isn't it? Sometimes we make things, especially religious things, far too complicated and complex.

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August 25, 2023


Man needs nothing so much as he needs something to bring life together into total meaning.—E. Stanley Jones

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August 24, 2023

What’s Holding You Back?

What's holding you back from being an active witness?

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August 23, 2023

Caught Blue-Handed

Have you met people who refuse to deal with sin in their life, who cross their arms and huff “I’ve done nothing wrong!”?

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