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Thoughts By Men

August 22, 2023

Little Sins

Little sins do mischief to the tender heart. . A great sin cannot destroy a Christian, but a little sin can make him or her miserable.

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August 21, 2023

A Heart of Thankfulness

Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.” Prayer – Lord, may I never forget all the blessings You have given me. Like the Psalmist, help me to be thankful today through a prayer or a song of praise. Amen.

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August 20, 2023

The Message of Grace

The message of God is the message of grace. Grace that is entirely God’s. God loving. God offering.

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August 19, 2023

What Do You Smell Like?

I want to be the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place… How about you?

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August 18, 2023

First Things First

Have you substituted busyness for seeking God, and in doing so allowed something other than God to be your first priority?

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August 17, 2023

God Works within Us

The Holy Spirit has more than enough power to transform lives from the inside out, but working change within is usually a slow process. Spiritual fruit takes time to grow and mature. That’s why we need patience and faith to believe He is...

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August 16, 2023

Looking Down the Lane

Dear God, it is so easy to think that life without you is free, fun, and easy. Help me see that in You I find significance.

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August 14, 2023

The Ignition Key

“Come unto me all who are weary and burdened, I shall give you rest.” Matthew: 11:28

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August 13, 2023

Faith Pleases God

While I know that prayer is wonderful, and that prayer not only changes things but also changes you; while I know that the man of prayer can go right in, and take the blessing from God; yet I tell you that if we grasp the truth that we have before us, we shall find that faith is the greatest inheritance of all.

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August 12, 2023

Reflect Jesus

Jesus came so that the last could be first, the sick could be healed, the sinners could be saved, and the lost could be found.

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