January 16, 2024
Obedience Leads to Blessing
Security comes as we put God’s precepts into practice. We’re only as strong as our obedience.
Read more..Security comes as we put God’s precepts into practice. We’re only as strong as our obedience.
Read more..Has God ever challenged you to step outside your comfort zone? About eight years ago, God challenged me to embrace His invitation to adventure and experience life as He intended — Is the Lord prompting you to embrace His life of adventure?
Read more..What fears are holding you back from boldly stepping into the abundant life God has for you? How could you overcome those fears through Christ?
Read more..It is better to be needy So He can give what’s best; It is better to be yielded So He can give you rest. It is better to be empty So He can be your all; It is better to be silent So you can hear His call.
Read more..James tells us to consider trials a joy (1:2). But we often fail at this, don't we? Humanly speaking, praising the Lord for tribulation is unnatural. However, doing so begins to make sense to believers when they cling to God's promise that good comes from hardship.
Read more..God loves you and me, my friend, even when we fail. He loves us enough to help us change our ways and move back to Him.
Read more..Thought: God wants us to have life! Real life. Life that lasts forever with him! That's why he sent Jesus, so we could have life.
Read more..“Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.” When John Newton penned this promise, he did so out of personal experience
Read more..God wants you to be confident that he’s pouring his strength into you so you can do whatever it takes to defeat these giants. God says you can take possession of an abundant life because he is with you.
Read more..I have to remind myself... God is the Ultimate First Responder!
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