July 29, 2022
Growth through Suffering
When we focus on God, we are in a better position to grow in maturity and godliness. When our suffering persists, the Lord may also have other purposes in mind:
Read more..When we focus on God, we are in a better position to grow in maturity and godliness. When our suffering persists, the Lord may also have other purposes in mind:
Read more..When facing stormy weather we seek refuge. Somewhere protected. Somewhere safe. When facing a life storm it is the same.In several of the Psalms the Lord is referred to as our refuge.
Read more..Prayer; Almighty and Eternal Father, it is such sweet comfort to know that you are always there. Thank you for always being there and guaranteeing my victory! In Jesus' name. Amen.
Read more..Crying Out to God: When a crisis comes, cry out to our almighty God, but be sure you do so with a righteous heart. Then He will hear and answer—either fulfilling your hoped-for request or providing a different solution.
Read more.."He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord" Isaiah 26:3 John shared how, during the serious illness and death of his beloved Agnes, God had enveloped him with His perfect peace. Tom spoke with ...
Read more..Questions: When God calls you, are you ready to hear and obey? How can you prepare your mind and heart?
Read more..The Mind of Christ. The first thing I do when I awaken each morning is to kneel before my Lord in humility, meditate upon His attributes, and praise, worship and adore Him.
Read more..Thought: What is holding you back from trusting completely in God’s love? If any doubts or scars come to mind, bring those to God in prayer and ask for help to grow in trust. Take time to reflect on His love today.
Read more..When an anxious thought comes knocking on the door of your mind, you can refuse it entrance.
Read more..“Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift
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