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Why Fathers are Special

We asked our Visitors:

This is what they said:

What is Special about my Father? 

– my father is a kindest man I’ve ever seen,he understands any one,and he loves all his children equally,,,he is a risk taker and he never gives up on my mistakes,,he is always concerned to my future,and he doesn’t care how much he spends on me but all cares is me being happy.

– Ann (Rwanda)

What is Special about my Father? 

– He’s the most gentle & serene individual I’ve met. A godly man who understands what life & faith mean especially in loving my kids. I only hope to be half the man he is….I’m a shoe-in to heaven if I can accomplish that.

– Paul Estrada ( USA)

What is Special about my Father? 

– My father is a very gentle, kind and caring person. He loved his three children and always wanted the best for us. He always says “hi” to everyone he meets and always offered everyone a smile. He father was born with polio, however, he never let that stopped him from excelling in everything he put his mind to. My father is my inspiration and aspiration. Love you daddy. I will see you again one day.

– Nadira (Guyana)

What is Special about my Father? 

– he always give time and effort to express his responsibility as a father for us even though how hard it is, he is always at our side, guiding and protecting us! i dont call him papa instead i call him tatay, thanks tatay , i love you !

– Jenie (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father? 

– he loves me very much & he can do everything for me.

– Ekta Royal (India)

What is Special about my Father? 

– My father is a wise man with much understanding for other people.he treats my mother like a queen and she adores him.they are two of a father. Is modest and has a great sense of humor.He has no enemies.

– Mark (Holland)

What is Special about my Father? 

– My father is the best father in the world. If my father is not with me. I think I am alone. Please God take me away first before my father.

– Khushbu Garg (India)

What is Special about my Father? 

– My Father worked as a truck driver for most of his life to support his family. He went hunting to provide food for us when he was laid off from his job so that we would survive. He would give his last bit of change to a stranger if he thought it could help. He is a very Godly man. He is my hero and I will love him forever…..

~I Love you Daddy~

– Cynthia Evans (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father,a honoured man. Caring,loving and sweet father.simple just love my father. Thank God fr gving me a wonderful dad.

– Thandeka Alvin (South Africa)

What is Special about my Father?


– Dorrell Hilliman (USA)

What is Special about my Father?



What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is the best dad. He made himself out of nothing. He loves us more than himself, protects us more than himself, provides for us and is always there for us.

– Naomi (Pakistan)

What is Special about my Father?

– He taught me how to survive through the hard times

– Melvin Perry (United States)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is everything to me. He taught me how to live in this world and make me become a useful person. I feel safe when i be with him.

– Ifa Aziz (Malaysia)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is one God fearing man. He gives me wisdom and knowledge taken out from the bible. He brings me closer to God and that is more than anything in the world.

– Tongtila (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is the biggest blessing I can ever get. He’s my rock and without him in my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I love him to bits and he’s always been there for me. I LOVE YOU!

– Tahmeena (England)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is unimpeachable, a man of good heart and a cheerful giver

– Chiamanda (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– My daddy is funny and has always been there for me. He is the life and joy in our family.I don’t know what I would do with out him. He keeps our home together. He works very hard just to keep us happy.

– Iiysha (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– he’s the greatest man I have in my life……

– Paulina (Indonesia)

What is Special about my Father?

– He taught me how to rely on one self, share with friends,above all the fear of God. He made what I am through the grace of God.

– Soma Francis (S. Sudan)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father was always there for me in the goodtimes & the bad. My father always show me love. He live by the Bible, and taught me to, he loved me and show it not just by saying it but in his way of livihg it. The way Jesus did. I saw his love for” everybody not just me”He was a great “father. He is with Jesus now, and one day soon I will see him again

– Ann Johnson Deal (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is special because he is supportive in all areas of my life. Many people admire celebrities, but my dad is my celebrity. He works hard, is genuine, and shows compassion towards others. He is a man of God. When I look at my dad, I see how I would like to be when I become a woman of older age. My dad has paved the path of the legacy that my family will lead.

– Shemel Thomas (United States)

What is Special about my Father?

– .For me no words can describe the speciality of my lovable Father. I love you so much daddy. You are AWESOME, TALENTED. Thank you GOD for blessing me the greatest Gift Which I call my DADDY.. May God bless my MOM and DAD a Long LIFE.

– Inoka Yeptho (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is my inspiration, when I see around the world I can’t see any person like my dad. He was man of his words.

– Rkiani (Pakistan)

What is Special about my Father?

– I could always remember my childhood days when my father was trying to feed me and my siblings , even though he was hungry & tired from fishing all day… I realized how much he care for us despite of his hungriness but he can still manage to share his food with us… That is something very special about my father…

– Wil (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– My Father’s wisdom was not in his words.They were in his actions. You see I watched his HUMBLENESS,his STRENGTH,his ENDURANCE and the willingness to support his family.


What is Special about my Father?

– There are no words to describe my father; what he did for us i only can say i love him more than anything

– Seetal Vasant Jadhav (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– Sometimes I thought my dad doesn’t loves me but I’m wrong. He loves me but he didn’t show it. He is great! 1day he should be proud on me!

– Depk Singh (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father just passed on 3 days ago,he was a shepherd who would not let any of us go astray and he was the best teacher ever as I am hard worker to this date the age of 50, he did his best and I believe it was time for him to rest after his hard work in life,may our God give him peace in his sleep

– Jacque ( South Africa)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father makes time to ask what’s going on in my life, I can go to him for good advice then when I follow his advice it all works out. I love my father even though we’re not blood related we are bound by The Spirit.

– Henreeq (S. Africa)

What is Special about my Father?

– His unconditional love and forgiveness

– Eva Santiago (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is my inspiration because when ever I have any problem he always their for me that is whyIi LOVE him with all my heart

– Rida (UAE)

What is Special about my Father?

– I’m only 18 but I’ve realised I’ve been a bad son to my dad, I realise now my dad is more than my dad, his also my best friend. I will live my life to make my dad happy and to give him the life he deserves. I love you pa.

– Francis Rosales (England)

What is Special about my Father?

– I don’t think i have ever seen my father be so brave whilst he was fighting a terrible illness which eventually claimed his life. But he promised us he would fight it, and he was strong and so brave. Thank you for smiling through the pain, just so that your wife and kids did not feel so helpless and distraught. Always loved and will always be remembered

– Neera (UK)

What is Special about my Father?

– he is strict in a way that you can still feel his love.

Leah (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father? an>

– Man of faith in God, He the most giving father , who gave all he has for his children , raised all 8 Kids after losing my mother, Passed few year ago , May his soul and all the passed rest in peace

– Issy (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– the things that is special about my father is he the most self respected, trustworthy,and God fearing person I ever knew. Dad i love you

– Darindra Baromasi (S. America/Guyana)

What is Special about my Father?

: Father This word means the world to me For me, Father is taller than every tree. His brain is sharper than a knife, As he is always full of life He is the head and takes good care of us. He never makes a fuss My dad is the best of all dads There are not any like him, no lads. I love him and he loves me For him I am always in glee Papa is the reason for my good marks Papa is the reason for my teacher’s good remarks Without him, my life is not proper I cannot be a topper. He is the best and will always be the best. Ready to pass any test. He, mom and I are a happy little family We never live sadly As we share the best of love Love should be like our love.

-Snigdha Saha (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is so special to me coz’ he protected me from harm, he guided me to the righteous path, my life is so blessed because of him

– Merceditas Eugenio-locsin ( Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

-: He is always there for me with open arms.

– Betty J Munoz (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father began to give place to my opinion in major family matters by asking for it. Then, he started giving my opinion significance by adopting it. In the process, my father had quite subtly, inconspicuously, with absolutely no fanfare or announcement, scooted over and given me a place on the family council. Right next to him.

– Trinity Mugagga (Uganda)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father was so very special to me because he do everything for me to make happy,when he still alive. Although he live us in my very young age ( 3 yrs old), i am still so happy for them because i know he is now in Gods place,and i know even if he is now a spirit, he always guide me to do the right things to make me away all the the temptation.He is my inspiration,aspiration,and also he make me stronger and he teach me how to face all the problem that we have every day.For me, your the best father in the world and i’m so thankful that GOD give me you ,,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PAPA,,

– Charlene Rada ( Philipines)

What is Special about my Father?

My father – there’s non like him , and i also Thanks the almighty God for giving me him ( my father).

– Lawrence Philip (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– No doubt that my dad is a big blessing to me. He is now 80 years old and this is the most valued realization of blessing from God I will treasure.

He is a dancer and engineer all this time in his stronger days. He is all the time ‘a happy person’ with all he wanted. He is a husband to many women, a lover to many young ones, He is almost a stranger to us, but I acknowledge him as a ‘father’ whenever he comes home. His good wife is a mother to me who taught me to respect him without conditions. He is cared for, served and provided for. With added grace from God, he is free from famous ailments of old aged people.

he is 80 years old age. This is a great turn around when he can no longer walk, he can no longer think while we feed and bath him like a baby. He may not be in hospital bed, but he is in my bare hands. He has friends, but no one remembers him. He has only ‘us’.

There was no relationship and time together in his stronger days with me, but I never thought of leaving him for this. I was taught to value parents by our mother. Without a dad like him, I will never learned/experience the teachings of my mom on ‘unconditional love’. Without this circumstance, I will never realize the way I realize it as I say it now.

While we feed and bath him like a baby, I thought of how I was being fed and bathed helplessly when I was a baby. I am not here without my dad.

I will never realize it saying this way: I know now what ‘forgiveness’ is all about. I know now what is ‘unconditional love’ is all about. I know now what a ‘servant heart’ ia all about. That’s why I don’t doubt that my dad is a biggest blessing to me from the kindness of God.

The grace of God is sufficient! It is God who works in our heart; it is He who moves in our hands! I confirm that God is too wise to be mistaken!! To God be the glory

– Janet France (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– : My dad is a Lovable person i had seen ever, He loved me so much than any other. He had done his best in bringing up me in schooling,college etc ect.. Today he is no more with me while i’m in my dream job that we both wished.. Love you dad and i miss you more 🙁

– – ManoharSingh (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– i love my father soooo much i can leave everything or everyone in this world but not my father bcz he is me best hero. May god give me a long life with my lovely father.

– Shehroz Anwer (Pakistan)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is a caring man who always there for us and encourange us how to move on with life He is a great man I LOVE U DAD.

– Carol (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father my hero, he sacrifices much, he conquers all the trials just to try his best to become a deserving father to us .

– Juvany (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father is a very good father….though he cant give all the things that i want but still my fathers life has no end…. i feel safe, comfort and being cared by him,… i really love my father so much… OLIVER GUEVARRA a person who is special to me.

– Kyliecharmine Guevarra (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– I am 26 years old and i just met my biological father almost a month ago and i speak with him every day and we share so many things about each other..growing up my mother use to take us to a christian evangelical church..he grew up going to a catholic church..there are so many verses in the bible that uplift your spirit when you are feeling kinda down and since i don’t know them by memory i had to search for them and that is when i came across this website and it came very in handy when i needed to say empowering biblical words to my dad..

– Marylou Garcia (U.S.A.)

What is Special about my Father?

– My earthly father though he was a none Christian he lived a clean life and called by people as a righteous man.

He accepted the Lord on his death bed. I believe he was accepted by the Lord and considered to be righteous of faith in him.

In my child hood I could not realise how great he was and despised him but now I am proud of him.

– Sinha K S ( India)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is a great teacher and a Godly father, with graceful eyes, melodious voices,,heart melting words,unfaded wisdom and a loving heart. Never shaken by the storms of life. I wish I could get back those Childhood days with my father.

– Terabin Ch. Momin (India)

What is Special about my Father?
– He’s a very hard worker and ruled the family with an iron hand which has made us to be more successfull as now we hard worker.

– Sarikiael Borish (Tanzania)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is the most wonderful dad have ever had,because he is always there whenever i need him,he is loving,caring,hardworking and sturborn.

– Kensen (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?


– Philip (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– Love is what he has for me, Faith is what I have for him,

His sacrifices equal to my happiness. He made me feel I was priceless, Because of him I’m respected never by him was may talent suspected. 50 years of his life, he completes today,

MY BAPU, has always made my day!

luv u BAPU!!! wishing u a very happy birthday with ample love.

– Ramya Tambe (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is the best because he understands me as a person. He knows my sensitivities and sentiments in life. He appreciates even the little things i do for him and makes it so big and above all he loves me even when im not that lovable.

– Mylene (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?


– Diriba Elias (Ethiopian)

What is Special about my Father?

– He gave me strength to get out of an abusive relationship. He fully provided for me and bore all the struggles without complaining.. He sort me when i was almost got derailed.

– Nancy Kariuki (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?

– He tought me to love God , he is hard worker he loves his family.

– Meilani (Indonesia)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father is very special for me because he listens to my heart talk

– Ankita Dwivedi (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– so blessed with a God-fearing dad.:) I owe everything thing to him….Dad is all I have ,whom shall i fear. He’s ever wise-dad I salute you!

– Myra k (Solomon Islands)

What is Special about my Father?

– my dad is loving and understanding… he always makes me happy and laugh…he is friendly and open minded…

– Aloha Frietz Mamac (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is strong, loving and my hero. The greatest example of what describes a Soldier – courageous!

– Came: Carmen D.(United States)

What is Special about my Father?

– He did not tell me how to live,but he lived and and let me watch how he do it.

– Modiegi moody moagi (South Africa)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is a man who fears God through all his struggles he still obeys

– Julie (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?



What is Special about my Father?

– He is very lovely. He is handicap but for me and my brother, sister he works very hard. He believe in me. I am so lucky because God gives me father like gift of my happiness… So I want to say thanks to God …. Thankyou …

– Jashanpreet Kaur (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– He’s loving and caring. Never lets me make the wrong choices. Has always been here for me and never let me down.

– Courtney Schiel (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father worked so hard for his six children. he endured so much that i will never know about. i am sorry that i did not appreciate him and tell him so, when he was alive. my father was a pioneer. he did things that were extrodinary but most of all, he loved me and showed me in his own way many, many, times.I love my father, i miss my father, and i understand now, that i am my father….

– Kim Morgan (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

-: my late dad taught me how to pray and fast.

– Prosper Appiah (Ghana)

What is Special about my Father?

– My Papa Bee is the most important man in my life now, for he taught many things in my very young age. I am now 8 years old, a grade 3 here in the Philippines… I love you very much PAPA!!!

– Bernel Carredo (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– I remember as a child that after my earthly father would get done working in the garden, he would sit on the porch and read his bible. I would come to him and sit on his lap, and he would read God’s word to me.

– Kathie (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– a very principled man. he never took nonsense while we were growing up and were under him. he thought about trust in the power of God. He recognized how God made him special. he touches people around him and now he appreciates all his kids…as we have grown up

– Oladimeji Aderonke (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father has always been my hero. He taught me how to laugh and love. He showed me what it felt like to be loved unconditionally. There will never be another man who will ever mean so much to me. He was meant to be my father and I will always be his daughter.:)

Dana Arguello (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– my dad is so kind for me I did lot of mistakes in my life but he never blamed me but always said, you are my son and you will come 2 the right path very soon but so many years passed I didnt change my self ,, now i m a student of because this year ,,,,,,the saying of my father came true now I feel I’m a good,kind and respectable person…I just love my father so much….. – Abid Ayoub (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father has passed away 13 years ago.This is probably the first time I’m describing what my father meant to me.He was so hard working, teaching us that hard work never killed anyone. He was kind, humble, loving, patient and considerate. I loved him so much I studied hard not to disappoint him and always tried to do the right things just as he taught me. I miss him so much it still hurts to think that he is no more.

– Cedalia Oliveira (Namibia)

What is Special about my Father?

– He has always been there for us as a family, ever encouraged us to work hard at school and taught us to respect ALL people irrespective of their status and above all he taught us to hold on unto JESUS if we are to succeed in life. THAT’S MY DAD!

– Valerie Kalembela (Zambia) –

What is Special about my Father?

– my father is a gem to us his children he always wants the best for us. I thank GOD for giving us a father like him.

– Jin (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father? >

– he is someone who always advises people not only his children. – Pam (Ghana)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is next to GOD for me.His qualities can not be described.His warm love & endless care for me at every breath & at every second is beyond any description.

– Kanchan Gupta (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father gave his heart and life to the Lord after a doctor’s appointment. Over the years I watched him. I’ll always love and miss my dad. I’ll always remember how committed, dedicated, determined and disciplined he was.

I watched him when he committed his life to Christ He was dedicated to his daily bible readings. He was determined to overcome life’s trials despite problems or difficulties, and illnesses he persevered. He disciplined himself in his walk with the Lord and in his household. And now I walk the same road with he same commitment, dedication, determination and discipline.

Thanks Dad, I know you would have been happy for me when I got my grade 12 diploma, my business administrator diploma, and my driver’s license.

But in my heart I know you are proud of me and I owe it all to you because you have instilled in me those four great traits

– Isobel (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad died many years ago but he loved me to much that he is with me today also and it is true,he helps me in trouble.I can feel him every where.For giving me good thoughts he come in my dreams,for telling me how to live life he comes in my dreams,when i loose hope he comes in my dreams,for giving me confidence, when i do wrong he always warned me in my dreams, when i m confused,he help me to take right decision in my dreams…!Now i know dad is the best gift given by God.He is the best dad in the world.I LOVE U DAD….!

– Priyamvada Sharma (India)

What is Special about my Father?
– dad u are best father in the world i love u so so much when mom not have u give me both love mom or father .. dad u never say when u tried u try best of family dad we love u so much and how i explain how mean of father …

– Priya (Myanmar – Bamar)

What is Special about my Father?

– S.K SANKAH is a loving n God fearing father.Dad,happy fathers day.

– Florence Sankah (Ghana)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is down to earth.a loving & kind father. a very responsible to his seven(7) children (us).an intelligent. he always cared & valued us.he honored my mother.he appreciated small things.he valued a simple life & weak people.he can easily gave his help to others need.

for me he is THE BEST DAD in this WORLD!!!

– Mylene A. Ferrer (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– my papa a very simple man with simple mind with simple heart all he wanted us his eight kids to read and write English as we come from a village no want could read,write,in English our life was simple we live day to day for food,clothing,he works 16 hours a day sleeps only 4 hours a day left us to be with his papa in heaven 1995.

– Samuel T Ponnu (Malaysia)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father is the one who God create to be the head of our family. He always stand by me, in good and bad days. He always loves me in any condition. Although he is a new Christian but his life is a good example for others to see. He always put his family first and always love my mother as his one and only love in his life.

He always live truthfully and keep his integrity first. I love my daddy, cause he is the one who love me and accept me as who I am.

Because of him, I believe and can really feel how God love me. I always thanks God because He made him to be my daddy.

– Renni Setiono (Indonesia) –

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad had a great sense of humor and put a smile on many people’s faces. He was a hard worker and taught all their seven children the rewards of hard work. He loved his family and provided for them. He loved and feared the Lord and raised his children to love and fear God. When he was older and mom had died, he would fill his time by helping others – taking them to the doctor, visiting the sick, working in a thrift store. His faith and love for God and His Word grew despite some of the deep waters he went through.

– K Kehler, (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?



What is Special about my Father?

– My father is an open-minded person, hard-worker and always do his job passionately. He sets a sample of being a dedicated and trustworthy person. Even though he did not say “I love you” but he thought about his family most of the time. Every time he was in work travel, he would buy clothing for everyone of us. He is very special. –

Marsaulina.Pasaribu (Timor Leste)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad taught me many things. He taught me how to be a hard worker, how to be responsible and take responsibility for my actions, he exhibited endless patience and calmness. He showed me how to hold back angry words and wait till you can talk without hurting people. He taught me to always turn to God and to let God change my will and my wants. My dad is the epitome of a mature Christian. He oozes with kindness, caring and gentleness. He has always been there for me and no matter how many times I blew it he was always there with open arms. (my mom too). He is an amazing man and I am so proud to have him as my father and my heritage. He is a man of God and has never wavered in his journey to know God better.

Pat K (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?

– My Father. A Blessing from the most High God. I am really Blessed. Because the Lord gave me a Father that will do everything in order for me to have a comfortable life. Actually, we are not really close. I didn’t even say “I Love You” to him.

My Father is not with me when I am young because He works overseas. I really don’t know about him. I am not comfortable when I am with him. When I am grade four, my father got into an accident when he is doing his Job. When I hear that he got into an accident. I don’t really care. When He talk to me, i don’t answer Him. There’s an instance that I got so jealous in my Father because my mother is always paying attention to him.

But now, i feel so guilty about what i do to my father when i am young. I didn’t make him feel that i love him so much! He work overseas and sacrifice his time for me to have a comfortable life. I LOVE MY FATHER. and i have to take a courage to SAY to him that i really LOVE Him! 🙂 Thank you so much God for giving me the Best Father i could ever have. Now i know the Gospel, I HAVE to share it with my father! I don’t want him to experience eternal fire, His life here on earth is so miserable and i want him to Know God! I know the Lord will touch His HEART and break the chain of sins in his Heart! it is the best gift that i can give to my FATHER. THE GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST! So PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!

Joyce Ann Villamor (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– When I was young my Dad would make me rake leaves and go to the shop with him. I didn’t always want to go, but now that I’m away from home, I want to go more than ever.. When going to the shop changed to reading the bible together, Christ was all I could see.

– Bronson, (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?

– A man among men. Full of wisdom, disciplined,a mentor, friend and guide.Calm in the face of danger,not afraid of challenges. Loves the Lord and his children in a strong yet quiet way. Is passionate about his grand children.

– Maureen John (Grenada)

What is Special about my Father?

– My Dad never give up on us.He always give us 101%. His unconditional love accept us even our wrongdoings. He understands us even its our turn to understand him but still we don’t.

How I wish I can have the material things that could help alleviate the pain he is suffering. I wish and I pray I could go home without any worries so I could ust take good care of him.

Lord, please touch the heart of my family and make them fully understand what my father is going through. I understand them but I understand my father more. With all the things my father have done for me, for our family, giving him my full understanding is not even enough to match up how much he showed and made us feel that he love us unconditionally.

To my Dad, i know I don’t say this often but I swear I love you so much.

– Rain (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father taught me how to work and work hard for what you get. I find with people my age and younger there is no work ethic. Getting everything in life for free just doesn’t make you a hard working. Being a hard working is really worth your while. – The most important thing my father ever taught me though, is that Christ is the one and only way to the Father and life is nothing without the Father. I don’t think I could ever say thank him enough.

– Renee (Canada)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is my best friend,my hero, my world. –

Deniece (Papua New Guinea)

What is Special about my Father?

– MY Father taught me one crucial thing,to struggle to be independent and at the same time to make others depend on me. For this I count him the most special man I have ever met on how his words keeps my head raised up no matter what. I love my dad and I will always practice what he has taught me.

– Josephine Muranda (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?

– Supportive, Sets guidelines, Teacher, Good provider, Moral guide, Role model, Patient, Lives the way he wants his children to live, Good listener, Remembers what it’s like to be a child and honors his children’s feelings

– TyRan R. Cooper (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is so lovely,supportive,hardworking and committed to us his children even after 15 years having lost our mum.He has always been there for us.Dad God richly bless you most especial with a gift of salvation in Jesus name.

– Niwagaba Alfred (Uganda)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father was such a good father…he was such a responsible father and husband….he is kind that his children will admire him…

– Sunny fe Sevilla (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– my father he is very loving to our family, and he is a very thought full..but my father he past away , i don’t know how to move on..coz I’m miss her mother she only handle to my sister and my brother..

– Ronalin Nnuer (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad used to be the pillar in my life,he passed away when i was 11years old.I missed his love,care,support.He used to love our mum so much he never blamed my mum in our presence.He was not that educated he was a builder by profession.He gave all that he had for all of us in our family.May his dear soul RIP.We Miss u DAD

Velaphi Ncube (Zimbabwe)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is God above. He loves me sooo much and I adore him. He is my Father, my brother, my best friend and my everything. And another great father of mine is Uncle Nana Andoh. He’s such a loving father and I love him so much and I love my biological father too though he has not been responsible.

Phil (Ghana)

What is Special about my Father?

– he helps in times of troubles…he carry me through all pain…. guide me each day and protect me..

– Kylie Charmine Guevarra (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?


– Jane Ikunja (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?

– Though my Father passed away few years back, I can feel him around. I can hear him always guiding me….he had a vision that all his children, one day will be in Medical profession, so are we. He would sit with us every evening patiently and taught us basics. According to him foundation should be strong, lest the structure which is built above it would shake and fall off.

THANX Dad for being there, you are always in our hearts. You inspire us and guide us, pl. Dad be with us always…we love you DAD:):)

– Dr.Priya Neupaney (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– He loves and cares for me.always there when i need him.his encouragement has really given me focus in life and has given me a foot to stand.i really love him,the best father in the world.

– Nancy (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– He is special to me because he is a very kind father in all the world!!!

– Micah Sanchez (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– 1)He’s responsible for the role he should do. 2) He’s striving for us to have a nice living. 3) He sacrifices his time just to earn dollars. 4) and of course he’s special because he loves us with all his heart (that’s why he’s special to us).

– Eduardo G Villamor (Seoul, S. Korea)

What is Special about my Father?

– He gave us our guiding principles of life ‘with God all things are possible’ he took care of all our needs. Made us what he was proud of, despite some little misunderstanding about getting married. But he always gave us his point of view and supported until we saw reasoning with him. Unfortunately he did not live for us to show appreciations for all he did for us. Just when we thought it was time for us to take care of him he died 15th November 2007. It is still so painful is like it was just yesterday.

– Ewoke Lucy (Cameroon)

What is Special about my Father?

– Dad taught me how to survive ask me to know God more and work hard.

– Jane (Indonesia)

What is Special about my Father?

– Even though he passed on when I was very young, he will always be my hero and for that reason i was able to find a merciful loving Father who looks beyond what humans see…

– Susan (Uganda)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is special because he’s my father – that makes him so special. For I love him, I love him so much! no buts, no ifs – I just love him!!

– Kim Vega (Philippines)

What is Special about my Father?

– My father is very much precious to me because not only he plays the role of father and mother, he is everything for me he is friend when I’m in need of a friend. He is wonderful dad, I’m proud on my father and pray to God for a long life for my dad. I Luv my DAD!

– Poonam Insan (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– What is special about my father is that he has been my best friend since I was born.He was the one to teach me how to do everything because my mom was still in college.I talk to him about anything especially my problems.When I need to speak to him,he stops what he is doing and listens.I’m glad he is there to listen to me because my mom never lets me talk to her about how I feel or anything.I’m glad I have my father.I’m very lucky to have him and same ith my brothers and sister.I will LOVE my dad forever!!!

– Alexis (USA)

What is Special about my Father?

– The thing that is special about my dad is because his love is so visible, in the way he turns our house into a home.

And his genuine love about my brother and me.his perfect understanding of us, with lots of patience and deep trust!! My dad has always been a source of joy and inspiration, and i will be always grateful for the values and love that he has given me and my brother!!!

That’s Why He Is So Special And Means The World To Me!

– Nicole ( Sri Lanka)

What is Special about my Father?

– My dad is a man of faith who believes that with God everything shall be possible even in the most depressing situation when there seems to be no help in sight. He keeps his re-assuring words that God will make a way and truly God usually honor his words cause just at the last minute He always make a way.It as helped me a lot to believe and trust God to always come to my rescue when I need him cause I’ve seen my father place so much trust in Him and he has never failed him so I’m at peace cause I am the clay in the hand of the potter.

– Sholakunmi Filani (Nigeria)

What is Special about my Father?

– I just love the fact that fathers are the head of their houses. What make my father special is that he don’t fail to do his duty in our house: guidance, encouragement, love come from him. He always make it possible that we are all happy and under GOD’S CONTROL. I love my dad so much He is super, superb!

– Nicky (S. Africa)

What is Special about my Father?

– I love my father so much – he is my best friend in my life. He encourages me in all my studies and my talents,and even perks me up when I’m depressed. I love you papa, I’m thankful to God that he gave me a nice give in my life.

– Amulya Reddy (India)

What is Special about my Father?

– Though he grew up as a desperate orphan,he ended up working as houseboy for the well to do and educated me to become a high school teacher.
He died on 24th Feb 2009 from throat cancer.RIP Dad.

– Wycliffe Nyaleso Mbogani (Kenya)

What is Special about my Father?

– My Father is the best example of a father on earth.

My Father, may be the best example of a father on the planet Earth.He has patience a father needs to have when he has four sons and four daughters. He has wisdom to share,self example to teach his children how a good christian has to be.Has the sacrificing spirit and humble by nature. Forgiving even to the most disobedient child. Simply he is great and I am lucky to be his son.

– Sajjad (Pakistan)

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