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A Short Supply of Love

“And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

It’s easy to call to mind those who challenge our patience and love. How do we love those at work or at church who are spreading rumors or that neighbor who just seems to want to make life miserable for everyone around?

The springs of love are within God. Love does not naturally exist in our own hearts when faced with things that grate on us. God tells us exactly what is required of us. Our responsibility is simply to walk humbly with our God. We need to allow Him to keep our hearts soft with mercy while striving for fairness. This will make a difference in the situations where people seem so irritating.

His Holy Spirit gives us the patience and the ability to be kind and to look for fairness in our dealings. It doesn’t suggest a “door mat” response yet it holds out hope when mercy and fairness, from God’s heart, fill ours and helps us deal patiently with some of the hard people in life. How could you show love to some of the hard people in your life?

Father in Heaven, You have called me to love the world around me. It’s not an easy thing to do. Thank you that You not only spell out how but You also offer the resource of Your mercy and Your wisdom to bring balance to circumstances that seem so out of balance. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today and let Your love flow through me so others see You through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Is there someone who needs your patience or forgiveness today? Look for an opportunity to show God’s love to someone today.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Love Your Neighbor – by Katherine Kehler

• To Love Others – by Phil Ware

How to Love the Unlovable –  by Bill Bright

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