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Fruit of Patience

“Beloved child of God, listen to your Father’s heart and his ways for you in Galatians 5:22-23,25.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”

Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:16.

I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.”

Be blessed to know that your Father’s patience toward you is his mercy flowing to you. He is a God of second chances, for you and others. He welcomes you back to the Father’s house after the most outrageous violations of his covenant (Luke 15:20-24&32). He remembers your frame, and he knows you are dust. Be blessed to know that you are a work in progress, and he is not finished with you yet. He doesn’t give up on you, and he intends for you to mirror the likeness of Jesus.

In the gospels we see examples of the patience of Jesus with people in every circumstance of life…
with the woman caught in the act of adultery and with her accusers (John 8:2-11).

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Woman, neither do I condemn you.”

What restraint produced by patience!

with his disciples, when they provoked him to cry out “O you of little faith!” or “Have I been so long with you and you don’t know me?”

with his three closest companions whom he took into the garden in the hour of his greatest agony, only to find them sleeping. He gently and patiently said, “Can you not keep watch with me for one hour? The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

You come to One who was like you in every way, so that he might become your merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Since he himself has gone through suffering and temptation, he understands your weaknesses. He can patiently help you (Hebrews 2:17-18). Be blessed with the unlimited patience that Jesus displayed, because he lives in you to show you his patience to you and through you. Let him work his patience in you to bring about his purposes and plans.

Be blessed with long-suffering, not just tolerance, and with grace and compassion with yourself and others. Be blessed with knowing that God is working patience in you, especially when others are trying you. Be blessed with his patient endurance and encouragement in long battles. Be blessed with a holy infusion of your Father’s patience when yours has run out. Patience is a marathon, not a sprint. Be blessed to keep the marathon of patience, even when your legs feel like lead and your lungs are screaming for relief.

Be blessed with the fruit of patience that the Holy Spirit produces in you, your grateful response to his patience (Galatians 5:22).

by Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

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•  The Rewards of Patience – Charles Stanley

• Impatient Heart, Be Still – by Deborah Yemi Oladayo

God’s Patience – by Phil Ware

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