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Tag: comfort

October 11, 2019


Friends, God wants to use you.  Explore the desires and gifts He’s given you.  Discover ways God can use you to reach others in His name.  Investing your life in this way will yield eternal dividends.

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October 10, 2019

When God Seems Small

When God seems small, we need to remember the exhortation found many times in the Psalms to magnify the Lord. To “magnify” means to “to increase in significance; to cause to be held in greater esteem; to enlarge.” (Webster’s dictionary)

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October 9, 2019

The Purpose of Our Trials

Let these four truths encourage you to view your next trial from God’s perspective. Though you may not feel it at the time, the Lord is with you. He is your hope and sufficiency.

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October 8, 2019

A Life Well-Lived

Deep down at the core of who she was, she believed that God was GOOD no matter how things might seem.  She tasted of His goodness and knew Him in  ways I only dreamed about.

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October 6, 2019

“First Love” Intimacy

Reclaim and restore a “first love” relationship with Jesus, and, one day at a time — one breath at a time —, you’ll begin to experience an insatiable, irrefutable intimacy with God.

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October 6, 2019

I Belong!

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38–39,

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October 4, 2019

He Hears Our Cries

God knows the hopes of humble people, and He will hear our cries and comfort our hearts. Sometimes He withholds the rain; other times He sends the rain and with it the outpouring of His blessings.

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October 4, 2019

How to Convince Your Heart that His Arm is Not Too Short

Remember: His arm is never too short, and His hand can reach even the tiniest trouble.

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October 3, 2019

Faith and Fear

Lord, help me not to fear the unknown future. Let me remember you already know what lies ahead and will safely lead me through it. Help me banish fear and grow in faith and trust in you. Amen.

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October 2, 2019

Respond or React

Susan yelled at the kids. She didn’t like doing it but it seemed to be

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