July 29, 2019
What God Already Gave – JOY
Our God is a God of joy, and He made us in His image. We want our lives to be full of joy, like His. The truth is: this God of joy gives joy beyond measure.
Read more..Our God is a God of joy, and He made us in His image. We want our lives to be full of joy, like His. The truth is: this God of joy gives joy beyond measure.
Read more..People bring pain. Sometimes deliberately. Sometimes randomly. So where do you turn?
Read more..When people look at me, Will they see You? When people talk to me, Will they hear You? When people come to me And need the strength That You can give, Will I show them You’re the One The only One they need?
Read more..A young woman I met with was weighted down with her guilt and sin. In fact, she was so distraught that she would not look me in the eye. All the while I was counselling her she was under such deep conviction that all I could see was the top of her head.
Read more..So the next time you have one of those days, try this. Instead of wondering “why”, with Job you can say, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Not only when good comes your way ... but also when you have “one of those days.”
Read more..The Apostle Paul urges us to “be anxious for nothing.” God offers you and me the possibility of a worry-free life. Jesus said,“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life! Of course not” (Matthew 6:27).
Read more..Is there someone who could use your encouragement today? Don’t wait until later! Encourage that person right now.
Read more..Fear saps our will power and leaves us feeling depleted and hopeless. Yet very few of us have ever experienced a defeat so complete and bitter as the one God's people faced when Isaiah shared this message of hope.
Read more..God is your guardian, separating you from evil. So, why do bad things happen to us?
Read more..“I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy
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