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Tag: comfort

July 22, 2019

Who Could Use Your Encouragement Today?

Is there someone who could use your encouragement today? Don’t wait until later! Encourage that person right now.

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July 20, 2019

Sweet Comfort

Fear saps our will power and leaves us feeling depleted and hopeless. Yet very few of us have ever experienced a defeat so complete and bitter as the one God's people faced when Isaiah shared this message of hope.

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July 19, 2019

God is Our Guardian

God is your guardian, separating you from evil.  So, why do bad things happen to us?

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July 17, 2019

At the End of the Day

“I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy

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July 17, 2019

God and Comfort

Just close your eyes and imagine that God too has a message board in Heaven and on it each day He writes that His goal for the day is to make you and me as comfortable as possible.

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July 15, 2019


Like Jeremiah, I am choosing to “wait quietly” (Lamentations 3:26) for God to bring a season of healing to our family. I will never understand why he allowed us to have such a devastating year that still continues to spark grief in my heart, but I keep claiming those mercies that are “new every morning”, because I really need them!

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July 13, 2019

Our Mistakes Do Not Define Us

God does not describe us by our failures…or our successes—and that’s freeing because God’s love is not dependent on what we do, or fail to do. We are loved by God, not because we are perfect, but because we are His.

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July 13, 2019

Defined by God’s Grace

Are you defined by God’s grace?  Your deeds don’t save you.  Your deeds don’t keep you saved.  Grace does.  Paul said, “By the grace of God I am what I am.”

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July 12, 2019

The One Always by Your Side

Having major surgery is no small feat, even in the best of hospitals. When I thought about how blessed I was to have a private nurse at my side, I thought of a spiritual parallel.

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July 11, 2019

God’s Unfailing Love

Believing and accepting that you are loved by the Father will in turn affect your feelings for Him. Commit to knowing Him more intimately and accurately through His Word, and your affection for Him will begin to grow.

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