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Tag: comfort

January 2, 2023

Strength to Equal Your Days

Beloved one, by your Father's strength you have life. By your Father's promise you have life. By the words of Jesus you have life.

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January 1, 2023

Renewed and Revitalized

“ too many people crowding in and making demands on us, that we simply want to stand up and say “enough is enough”.  That is when God wraps us in His loving arms and lifts up our heads so we can face another day.

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December 30, 2022

Invited to Rest

Jesus invites us to rest. My life, (particularly over the Christmas season), often feels scattered, frenzied, and harried. If that sounds like your life too, take a moment to ponder these words of Jesus, found in Matthew’s gospel.

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December 28, 2022

Lavish Love

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

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December 27, 2022

A Willing Heart

Prayer: Loving and Compassionate God, we can only be truly happy when we have a willing heart. Help us to open up our hearts so that we may let your light shine through to all that we meet.

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December 24, 2022

Prince of Peace

“His name will be...Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 Heaven opened herself and placed her most precious One in a human womb. The Omnipotent, in one instant, made Himself breakable. He who had been Spirit became pierceable.

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December 24, 2022

Invited to the Manger

The manger scene of Baby Jesus’ birth can seem so irrelevant today. Nice on a Christmas card, yes, but not really having any impact on our lives.

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December 20, 2022

Going to See the King

Are you looking forward to seeing Jesus? When was the last time you thought about His return? We get so busy with living that we forget

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December 17, 2022

Making Use of God’s Kindness

How has God shown you kindness, and how can you through everyday actions show kindness to others?

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December 14, 2022

What is the Advent Season About?

Advent means the coming of something extremely important and awaited! At Christmas time we traditionally celebrant the Advent season, the season where we remember the birth of the long awaited Christ child, the Savior of the world.

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