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Tag: comfort

February 26, 2023

In Your Faithfulness

Some days are just plain tough! Those we care about are hurting. Our plans are falling through. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall at our feet.

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February 25, 2023

What to Do with Worry

Next time you’re worried about your health or house or finances or flights, take a mental trip up the hill. Take your anxieties to the cross

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February 25, 2023

God Lifts Our Burdens

What a difference I experienced when I stopped allowing the worry to consume me by choosing to let it go. I gave this burden to the Lord, and He lifted it from my shoulders. Oh how freeing was that!

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February 24, 2023

Transforming Power

My own power is inadequate to make the changes I want to see in my life. But the amazing power of the Spirit in me can transform me into someone who looks and acts more like Christ. As a result, I can live the abundant life he promised.

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February 23, 2023

Does God Know What You’re Going Through?

Does God Know What You’re Going Through? In order to get through what you’re going through, focus on who God is — his unchanging nature. Regardless of circumstances and how you feel, hang on to God’s unchanging character.

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February 23, 2023


Questions: How are emotions a gift? How can they become a stumbling block? Where do you feel needy today, and how can we pray for you?

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February 22, 2023

Cast Away the Dark Fears

Darkness is more than a symbol, it is a pervasive way of living and viewing the world. Darkness is the place of deception, evil, crime, predators, sin, and death.

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February 21, 2023

The Empowering Emotion of Joy

Being supernatural in nature, divine joy exists independently of our circumstances. Happiness, on the other hand, comes from external causes, is an earthly in character, and increases or decreases as events change.

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February 20, 2023

Overwhelming Peace

You see, it is only in Christ that you can find real peace which flows like a river, the best rest for your aching soul.

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February 20, 2023

To Him be the Glory

“To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36 “To Him be the glory forever!”

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