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Tag: comfort

February 2, 2023

Why is What I Say So Important?

How would you describe the way you talk? Are your words positive, constructive, comforting, supportive, and uplifting? Or are the words that come out of your mouth most often cutting, negative, and hurtful?

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February 1, 2023

Staying Close to God

A devastating event can certainly strain how we see our relationship with God. Yet there’s no need to spiral into shame about the struggle.

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January 31, 2023

God is Our Safety

“You are a shield around me, O LORD, my Glorious One, who lifts up my head.” Psalm 3:4 We live in a world of great unrest: riots and terrorist attacks in many places, train bombings and shootings in broad daylight…How can we feel safe?

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January 30, 2023

10 Reasons to Come to Jesus

10 Reasons to Come to Jesus. Jesus is the Way, come to Him and follow to the heart of the Father;

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January 30, 2023

The Lord Your God is with You

Let his love be the foundation of your life, and you will be filled again and again in all the promises he has spoken to you. He wants you to know that you are beloved.

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January 29, 2023

We Hear His Voice

I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more sensitive. Especially that I may be sensitive to what He would have me say to those around me who are in need of His love and forgiveness.

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January 28, 2023

Your Kindness Quotient

How kind are you? What is your kindness quotient?

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January 28, 2023

Love is Patient and Kind

God looks at people’s hearts. Isaiah 11:3 has this to say about Christ, “He will not judge by the way things look. He will not judge by what people say.”

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January 27, 2023

Behold How He Loves Us

Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near;

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January 26, 2023

God is Working Through Our Circumstances

Yes, we can expect to face suffering in our faith journey. He promises the pain and hardships will serve their purpose and contribute to an overall good in his plan for our lives.

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