September 10, 2022
When We Need Him Most
His strongest grace Is for your weakest moment; His sweetest fellowship Is for your loneliest journey;
Read more..His strongest grace Is for your weakest moment; His sweetest fellowship Is for your loneliest journey;
Read more..God has the heart of a loving Father toward us, His creation. Yet when our own experience of a father has been negative, hurtful, abusive or lacking in the love our child heart yearned for, it can be hard to trust God and His love.
Read more..Do you feel nudged to forgive people who have hurt you? Or do you want to nurse your ego by not forgiving?
Read more..If we cocoon ourselves and build up walls to try to keep others from hurting us because we are afraid of being hurt, we haven’t really understood God’s love.
Read more..Is the tension between the freedom that Christ came to give you, and the weight of fulfilling the law has been struggle for you?
Read more..Encourage those who are struggling. Don’t know what to say?
Read more..What replaces the joy in our lives? The following is a list of circumstances that might be our “joy robbers.” •Fear of the future, fear of a health situation, fear of losing control. •Fear of being alone, fear of change, fear of looking silly, fear of losing your job, fear of financial debt, fear of growing old, and fear of losing physical attractiveness. •Anger, jealousy, a critical attitude, worry, and many more.
Read more..As you face impossible situations, Be comforted in this fact...Jesus Who lives and reigns on the throne Of your heart, is contending with Those who are contending with you.
Read more..Today is in God's hands and so are you. His hands are strong and will uphold you; His hands are great and will enfold you; His hands are gentle and will embrace you;
Read more..Giving thanks - it feels like stepping from a hot stuffy room into a room with fresh air.
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