October 4, 2022
Under the Influence
As Christ followers living in a fallen, confused world, we cannot allow the world’s standards to influence how we live life.
Read more..As Christ followers living in a fallen, confused world, we cannot allow the world’s standards to influence how we live life.
Read more..Touch me while I am asleep And awaken me to Your truth Oh Lord For many times I fail to acknowledge Your presence.
Read more..At the end of his life, John Newton said, “My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior!”
Read more..Perhaps there is something you’re afraid to bring to God. A deep wound, a nagging question, or doubt. Nothing will cause the Lord to push you away
Read more..Devotional by Kathy Cheek: Do We Take God at His Word?
Read more..Imagine, He calls each one of us by name! Like a mother calls her precious child. Like a lover whispers the name of his beloved.
Read more..With a dead end before us, Christ showed us the way; When we walked in the nighttime, Christ brought us the day. With our faces all hidden, Christ carried our shame;
Read more..It is difficult to believe in things that seem so unreal and impossible. But that is what faith is. Going back to basics is always the best move to make when you are lost. Go back to your Abba Father.
Read more..Anger: The relentless invader of silence .The noise of the soul. The unseen irritant of the heart.
Read more..As spiritual athletes, we must run with relentless perseverance because God has already marked out the race for us.
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