March 26, 2022
Growing In Our Trials
Our faith will be tested; this is just a fact of life. How we deal with these times, is what is most important.
Read more..Our faith will be tested; this is just a fact of life. How we deal with these times, is what is most important.
Read more..In dealing with life’s problems, we may often need a comprehensive spiritual cleanup. How do we do that?
Read more..God hopes for us to stick with his plan, to take the high road, to keep being faithful even when life throws us problems.
Read more..Can you see how God kept his promises? Let’s dare to believe in God, knowing he is faithful, even when we are not!
Read more..When we fully believe that the mighty power of God is working within us, we can joyfully say, ‘God is the strength of my life."
Read more..God has an amazing vision for our lives to bring him glory, and to help, encourage and comfort others along the way!
Read more..Don't miss out on the joy of offering the "sacrifice of praise to God continually."
Read more..“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”. Psalm 23:1
Read more..Wouldn't it be incredible if those of us who are not touched by terrible persecution or hardship would begin each day praying for those in our spiritual family who do face hardship, persecution, suffering, and mistreatment?
Read more..God is present in our suffering. He’s suffering along with us
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