February 7, 2022
Needless Pain
Why is it we seem so willing to bear our own burdens, live outside the borders of peace, and shoulder unnecessary pain when God stands with arms outstretched to relieve us of all?
Read more..Why is it we seem so willing to bear our own burdens, live outside the borders of peace, and shoulder unnecessary pain when God stands with arms outstretched to relieve us of all?
Read more..When I face grievous troubles, I too will look to the rock, Christ Jesus, and claim His wonderful promises for comfort and strength.
Read more..Out of God’s heart came love; out of His love came mercy; out of His mercy came grace.
Read more..Some situations feel like a never-ending circle. I go around and around never getting anywhere. But still, I feel like there must be something I can do. So, I keep trying. And I keep getting nowhere.
Read more..Its time to arise and speak to that storm you are experiencing: I know that my redeemer lives! By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.
Read more..Turning to the Lord will not necessarily bring an end to the hardship, but He will help us see that we are exactly where He wants us. He has a reason for the discomfort and desires that we grow in Christ through it. Whatever the situation, the safest place in the world is the center of His will.
Read more..We must be alert so that we are able to discern whose voice we are listening to. Our thought life has two channels — one is alert to God, and one is alert to Satan.
Read more..Say this as a prayer – In faith, I know this to be true: By God’s grace, I am able take control of my thoughts, weeding out the ones that don’t belong—those that might lead me away from God (2 Corinthians 10:5). Continue the prayer --->
Read more..I drove home through thick fog tonight. There have been fog patches around our home and in the area these past two weeks. I hardly ever drive through thick mist without thinking about my relationship with God.
Read more..Come alongside. This is really the crux of it all. Just walk alongside people and enter into their lives. Listen. Talk. Laugh. Cry.
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