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Tag: comfort

November 12, 2021

Just Like Jesus

You know, we are the children of God. Who do we look like? Can people see Jesus in us?

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November 10, 2021

Do You Want Change?

When you seek the things eternal and set your mind on the things that are above you will be less stressed. Less anxious. Less swayed by emotional ups and downs. Calmer, more at peace, and joyful.

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November 10, 2021

Our Sure God

Our moods may shift, but God’s doesn’t.  Our minds may change, but God’s doesn’t.

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November 8, 2021

All What?

When I look at these words of Jesus, I feel overwhelmed. How do I possibly reach everyone in the world?

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November 6, 2021

Trials and Triumphs Together

Do you know someone who is hurting today? Do you know someone who is celebrating? What is one thing you can do to stand with them?

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November 5, 2021

Speaking in Silence

God's presence may be quiet, but he'll show up. And he'll listen.

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November 5, 2021

Choosing Not to Have Your Say

“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life…. When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lip is prudent. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver …. The lips of the righteous feed many.” Proverbs 10:11a; 19-21

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November 4, 2021

Sleepless Nights

As I have gone through a very stressful time I have found myself “socially distancing” from God in my grief and concern.

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November 3, 2021

Trusting God’s Plan in Trouble

The next time you’re tempted to think that God has let you down, remember that trouble is one of the means He uses to strengthen your belief in Him.

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November 3, 2021

In the Middle of the Mess

I believe the author of Habakkuk is telling us where true peace is found. It isn’t the absence of chaos, but rather knowing where to go for sanctuary in the middle of it. This kind of peace is easier to grasp in the difficult times if we ....

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