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Tag: depend

March 13, 2024

The Power of the Book

His story had my close attention, as well as all the others circled around him in a small group. Every eye was fixed on him.

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March 12, 2024

What A Privilege

Those that believe in God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ are privileged in a special way. As a child of God I have access to Him anytime, anywhere.

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March 11, 2024

In Awe and Wonder

In a world of startling beauty and a universe of dazzling diversity, our hearts are to be drawn back to the One who made it and now sustains it.

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March 10, 2024

Our Book of Life

Each human life has a story whose pages I may never read. I see an elderly man walking down the street gripping his walker, a young mom at the park with a quiver full of children ...

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March 10, 2024

An Image of Truth

We as humans try so hard to fit in, be accepted, and look like we have it all together. Half my life was spent as a people pleaser.

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March 9, 2024

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

One thing is sure. They love you! No makeup. No power tie. No status jewelry. No layers of images. Just unkempt honesty.

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March 8, 2024


Does “together” come easily for you? If so, thank God for this blessing. If not, ask the Spirit to reveal to you why.

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March 7, 2024

What Should We Boast About?

Let those who boast boast in the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 10:17, (TNIV) Question: Are there situations where we feel superior to others? How can we guard against those kinds of feelings?

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March 7, 2024

Breaking Chains

You may think you're strong enough to withstand Satan's enticements. But, when you repeatedly give in to temptation, you become what has become a habit. James 4: 7 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

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March 6, 2024

Without a Fight

A raging battle exists within every believer: our own sinful nature versus the desires of the Holy Spirit.

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