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Tag: encourage

February 1, 2022

Called to Remember God’s Promises

I don't know what your days look like right now. Perhaps life feels like it's out of control and you're praying for the strength to see your way through. Or maybe, everything is calm right now and you're thankful for the time to catch your breath.

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January 30, 2022

Speak Peace To That Storm

Its time to arise and speak to that storm you are experiencing: I know that my redeemer lives! By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.

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January 22, 2022

Grace Makes Life Not Fair

This week, intentionally offer the last seat on the bus, even if you got there first; be patient with your friend who came late.

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January 16, 2022

Our Confidence

Our trust is in God. There is much failure in self-assurance. We must not rest upon anything that's human. God has promised to be with us at all times, and to make the path straight, and to make a way through the mountains.

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January 14, 2022

Examine Me

Holiness doesn't seek to be odd. Holiness seeks to be like God.

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December 30, 2021

Trade Anxiety for Peace

God calls us to guard our hearts and minds carefully. God tells us to let faith take the upper hand and cover over the fear that tries to slip in.

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December 29, 2021

For the Sake of the Gospel

What are we doing for the sake of the gospel?  Are you praying?  Are you going?  Are you giving?

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December 28, 2021

Hunger and Thirst for God

Are you feeling empty from trying to satisfy your soul with something other than the Lord? Come to Him with all your heart, and discover the fullness He offers.

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December 21, 2021

Christmas Abundance

I will never forget my first Christmas as a follower of Christ. I was thousands of miles from home, grieving my mother’s passing, battling my addictions, flat broke, and almost out of hope.

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December 20, 2021

What’s in a Name?

One evening as a boy studied the photo of his father he said, “I wish daddy would just step out of the picture and be here with me now.”

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