July 13, 2022
God Comes Close
I am amazed by the fact that, because of Jesus, I can come close to God. And I am so thankful that God will come close to me, a sinner saved by Christ’s righteousness alone.
Read more..I am amazed by the fact that, because of Jesus, I can come close to God. And I am so thankful that God will come close to me, a sinner saved by Christ’s righteousness alone.
Read more..“Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17
Read more..God blessed my husband and me with four boys. I confess there were days, when I questioned whether it was a blessing or not.
Read more..God's Perspective on Hope in Disappointment. Jesus your Redeemer wants to pull the poisons out of the wounds in your spirit and your soul.
Read more..When we suffer, God becomes present to us by placing a friend’s arm upon our shoulders
Read more..Let me urge you to make use of your God. Make use of Him in prayer. Go to Him often, because He is your God. Who would disdain to use so great a privilege?
Read more..Do people in church get under your skin sometimes? That sister in church was getting on my last nerve and I was getting on hers. More than a decade later, we know we can call each other at anytime of the day or night, and we will pray for one another. I love her as if we were raised together.
Read more..A harvest of joy can be received from the sowing of little things that spontaneously flow from a giving heart
Read more..Where can we go to remain secure from the onslaught of bad ideas, evil influences, and false hopes? We can go to God and his Word.
Read more..God is ...Able to do exceedingly beyond all your asking. Ephesians 3:20 ...Able to subdue everything under His control. Philippians 3:21 ...
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