June 11, 2021
A Walk of the Heart
Walking with the Lord is a walk that takes place in the heart—a heart to follow Him. My journey with the Lord is a walk to seek Him, and this is a walk of the heart I choose to take each brand new day.
Read more..Walking with the Lord is a walk that takes place in the heart—a heart to follow Him. My journey with the Lord is a walk to seek Him, and this is a walk of the heart I choose to take each brand new day.
Read more..Are you weighed down by the clutter in your life? I mean lots of little chores to do sometime in no particular order.
Read more..As believers, we know God uses our troubles to accomplish His good purposes.
Read more..Friend, God cares about you, but he also cares how you respond to your circumstances. Do you leave your worries with God in prayer? Or do you constantly chew on the problems you face?
Read more..Have you ever been so burdened by a problem that you say "I just don't even know what to pray?"
Read more..The New Testament has a word for such activity: encouragement. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Read more..Someone said you have to receive at least five compliments to make up for every criticism.We can build up or we can tear down with our words. Every time we speak we have that power.
Read more..Are you a perfectionist? Do you find yourself needing to be perfect in everything, never allowing people or for that matter, God to see your flaws?
Read more..My granddaddy was a bi-vocational pastor. He pastored small churches around Stanley and Union County while also running a little shop behind his house. He would fix tires, golf carts, and tractors.
Read more... We forget how significant one touch can be. Aren’t we glad Jesus didn’t make the same mistake? Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. Will you do the same?
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