April 15, 2021
A Poem of Hope
I feel the arms of God around me, as I lay on my bed at night. Asleep, I feel the Angel's touch- I'm surrounded and held tight.
Read more..I feel the arms of God around me, as I lay on my bed at night. Asleep, I feel the Angel's touch- I'm surrounded and held tight.
Read more..How is God our refuge? How do we run into the fortress he claims to be?
Read more..Who we are, what becomes of us in life, is in God's hands. We cannot purchase or achieve lasting honor for ourselves without his blessing.
Read more..I am grieved by the tone of today's rhetoric as I am sure you are. There is so much toxic public conversation with accusation, shaming, vulgarity, you-name-it.
Read more..Can you see how reverence for the Lord guides us? It leads us towards one right choice at a time. Those small and big decisions will keep us on the right path.
Read more..As God’s child, you reflect your Father’s image as His light shines through your eyes, as His words are on your lips, as His peace is upon your countenance, as His grace is in your responses,
Read more..Thank you, Jesus . . . for allowing me to know You! You have given me Your Word so that I may know You. This isn’t a casual relationship but an intimate, personal, all-consuming one!
Read more..Do you know God’s grace? If you do, you can live boldly, live robustly; his safety net will break your fall. Nothing fosters courage like a clear grasp of grace.
Read more..“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
Read more..Are you a weary sheep? Are you tired from trying to do life on your own? Surrender and allow the shepherd to find you and carry you back on his shoulders to safety!
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