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Tag: encourage

November 22, 2020

Where is God’s Place?

I am going to ask a serious question. We have all faced it including myself,

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November 22, 2020

Who Do You Say I Am?

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You

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November 20, 2020

Seed Planter

How much faith do you need to plant a seed and to make it grow? Planting feels like a lot of work without seeing much results on the spot.

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November 16, 2020

Putting Out Fires

Wickedness is like fire, it does not stay in one place, but burns out of control.

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November 15, 2020

Talk the Walk

Is it possible to tame our tongue?Only with God’s help. Practically, think before speaking. Choose and use words wisely – intentionally avoiding gossip, soul-searing slander

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November 15, 2020

Pay Back Time

The Holy Spirit is the guide who nudges our heart when we are prone to get off God’s track. Pay attention to the stirrings of your soul.

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November 13, 2020


God reminds us through the storms and trials in our lives that we cannot fix everything to our liking.

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November 10, 2020


“You are a good boy.” in my mind, I thought, “Really, am I really good?” You see, no one had ever described me in this way.

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November 6, 2020


God's covenant of peace is more than just the absence of struggle and fear. His peace is for your security and well-being. Receive the blessing of shalom from your covenant-keeping God. He is the government of peace in your life. His peace gives you safety, joy, and wholeness of your spirit, soul, and body.

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November 5, 2020

7 Good Things to Know about Hard Times

7 Good Things to Know about Hard Times. Comments and verses to focus on during hard times.

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