December 16, 2021
Transform My Heart
God wants us to treat each other as he has treated us, thinking of their needs and God's will before our own. Now that's one revolution I hope I get to see fully happen!
Read more..God wants us to treat each other as he has treated us, thinking of their needs and God's will before our own. Now that's one revolution I hope I get to see fully happen!
Read more..The shepherds were afraid when the angels appeared to them. Luke 2:8. Have you ever noticed God is always telling us to not be afraid? The Bible teaches...
Read more..Like Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, we are so prone to fear. We’re afraid because we feel alone and forsaken, when we encounter the unknown, and when we face something bigger than us. Why we do not need to be afraid?
Read more..Father, wrap us in your arms today, and hide us as the storms of life rage round about us. Reassure us that we are the apples of your eye and that you will never leave us nor forsake us. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Read more..God is with us now, not just in thought or in theory or in wishful thinking. But in actual fact.
Read more..Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room. Take time to prepare your heart to make room for the One whose birthday we celebrate. My purpose in writing this devotional is to "make ready a people prepared for the Lord" (Luke 1:17). Read Luke 2:1-20. Open your eyes anew to really see the Christmas
Read more..Ironic as it may appear, one of the hardest things to do is to be saved by grace. We take our free gift of salvation and try to earn it or diagnose it or pay for it instead of simply saying “thank you” and accepting it.
Read more..Obeying God's will in our lives should not be a burden but a thrilling adventure that we walk through with Him each day.
Read more..The message of Christmas is a call to look with fresh eyes at what Jesus brings to our lives every day!
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