September 23, 2021
Caring For Others
A devotional on praying for others and bearing their burdens.
Read more..A devotional on praying for others and bearing their burdens.
Read more..What does it mean to lay down our lives for our brothers? Sounds pretty extravagant, but the next verse in 1 John 3 reminds us that most often it's very simple:
Read more..Christ does not want us too occupied in activities that have little to do with following him. We should choose the most direct route to Christ and exclude all other unnecessary pathways.
Read more..Life is full and good. Even so, I need to be aware of choosing my focus or I can get bogged down with details and concerns and end up being unproductive and unfruitful.Life is full and good. Even so, I need to be aware of choosing my focus or I can get bogged down with details and concerns and end up being unproductive and unfruitful.
Read more..Are you running around "changing light bulbs and turning on switches" and have neglected to plug yourself into the Power Source? Are you hoping to "fix" your life and then come to Jesus?
Read more..We aren’t to be oblivious to the overwhelming challenges that life brings. We are to counterbalance them with long looks at God’s accomplishments.
Read more..Whether you are in a storm, coming out of a storm, or going into one, consider that part of the purpose may be to make you stronger and to prepare you for something in the future.
Read more..At the end of summer's scorching heat, where did you find your shadow of protection and refreshment?
Read more..It doesn't seem fair, does it? Paul spent his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced continual suffering.
Read more..“Consolation.” There is music in the word: like David’s harp, it charms away the evil spirit of depression.
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