October 24, 2021
Connecting with God is more than distracted reading. God’s Spirit waits to connect with your Spirit in a meaningful way.
Read more..Connecting with God is more than distracted reading. God’s Spirit waits to connect with your Spirit in a meaningful way.
Read more..Yes, life is unfair. Jesus hasn’t promised us a fair world but he has promised us victory. “Take heart!” He said. “I have overcome the world.”
Read more..“The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.” (1 Samuel 10:6) Read on....
Read more..We must enter into an expectant spirit of prayer, knowing that, when we meet His conditions, God will hear and answer us.
Read more..Have you sought the LORD lately? Many of us made a commitment to turn all of our lives over to him last week; how have you done at that commitment? God promises wisdom to those who ask and don't doubt.
Read more..Be blessed to live from that deep cry of seeking God in your innermost being, longing for more of him, digging in to know him more intimately. Your Father desires constant communion of your spirit with his Spirit. Be blessed with directing the thirst of your soul to communion with him. Be blessed with getting out of your head and into your spirit, meeting God personally and profoundly.
Read more..God calls us to a violent form of intercession, where we take on the spiritual forces of darkness on behalf of our race, once invaded, now occupied by the prince of darkness.
Read more..So, how do we put off an aroma that is pleasing to God and others in our life?
Read more..Lord, remind me to regularly bathe in your Word and allow your Spirit to cleanse me so that any aroma that lingers long after I’ve left the premises, will not only draw people to you, but will also be a “sweet scent rising” to you.
Read more..Think about a situation that challenges you. How can you grow to adapt to your current situation, whether it’s a relationship or a task?
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