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Tag: God’s love

October 16, 2021

Cry of the Poor

If we are going to be true children of our Father, his values must become our own, his lost sheep must become our quest.

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October 16, 2021

Those Who Mourn

Bring Him your grief and pain as often as you need to and receive His crown of beauty and oil of gladness.

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October 15, 2021

Our Confident Trust

Lord God, it is a mystery why life is so hard at times and why there is so much suffering. May you increase my faith and trust in you.

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October 14, 2021

Look Over Your Shoulder

We cannot go where God is not. Look over your shoulder; that’s God following you. Look into the storm; that’s Christ coming toward you.

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October 14, 2021

All Day Long

What is the difference between wishing and hoping? Why can we hope in God all day long?

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October 13, 2021

It Takes Practice

Practice - leads to and feeds the practice of stillness. Practice of what?

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October 13, 2021

The Battle for the Mind

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. “ Romans 12:2 There is a mighty battle going on for control of your mind.

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October 12, 2021

Our Place of Refuge

Where is your place of refuge? Are you disturbed by the challenges in your daily life or by the uncertainties in the world we live in today?

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October 10, 2021

A Loving Word

Pray always and be comforted by God's kindness and compassion, hope and love, light and consolation — the perfect cure for a troubled heart and soul.

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October 10, 2021

A Listening Ear

Sadly, listening has become a lost art. We email and text on our cellular devices with little face-to-face communication. People listen with very little eye contact all the while looking around or checking their mobile phones.

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