March 22, 2021
Defy Nature
As much as we want to love well, our sin nature can breed in us a desire to stay emotionally safe and respond sinfully in situations where we could be turning to God for help.
Read more..As much as we want to love well, our sin nature can breed in us a desire to stay emotionally safe and respond sinfully in situations where we could be turning to God for help.
Read more..Are you a weary sheep? Are you tired from trying to do life on your own? Surrender and allow the shepherd to find you and carry you back on his shoulders to safety!
Read more..“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit.” John 15:1
Read more..Father, thank you that you will help me persevere in following Jesus no matter what obstacles I face. Help me to not turn back, because I know you have a perfect plan that will come to pass in your good time.
Read more..“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing
Read more..Whether in a train or wherever you are, God guards and rescues those people who reverence Him. Today, you can know for certain that God will send His guardian angels to guard you – simply yield your life to Him and ask Him to come into your life and forgive your sins.
Read more..Father, so often I hear stories and also experience how Your ministering angels have helped, strengthened, and encouraged Your children. Thank You for being so kind to us. Amen
Read more..Hope is a command, the promise of God, and a position in Him. Last week we look at the command to hope.
Read more..Not only does God's blessing rest on us, his presence goes with us. We cannot ever be in a place where he is not with us.
Read more..How often do we dive into a project without activating our faith, relying on our power alone instead? God wants us to partner with his Son before jumping in feet first into a big project.
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