August 22, 2020
God Our Refuge
Make God your refuge. Let Him be the foundation on which you stand! Continue Reading..
Read more..Make God your refuge. Let Him be the foundation on which you stand! Continue Reading..
Read more..Gentleness is biblical meekness, a positive quality, and Jesus commended it when he said that the meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). He lives the strength of his gentleness in you,
Read more..Are you a good listener? Studies have shown that we stop talking only an average of 17 seconds before we resume speaking in a conversation, and most of that time, we are thinking about what we want to say next! Sometimes prayer can be like that, with God barely getting a word in edgewise, as we monopolize the conversation.
Read more..I once heard someone say that if we have only ten minutes to pray, we should spend the first half listening and the second half petitioning.
Read more..How do you handle your tough times? When you’re tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of hard weeks or hard-headed people how do you manage your dark days?
Read more..God’s Word alerts us that in difficult times our hearts can go astray.
Read more.."Lord God our Father, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all for Your glory. Help us as we try not to cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God and help us try to please everyone in every way. For we are not seeking our own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. In Jesus name amen."
Read more..The dark can be a scary place. I have never felt comfortable in the darkness. My imagination runs to places I’d never think of if I was in a lit room.
Read more..As my mind was being renewed, my values and standards began to line up with God’s will.
Read more..O Righteous Father and Holy God, forgive me for being selfish with the funds you have so richly shared with me. I want to give my heart and my life to you fully, not holding back anything from your will, and I ask you to help me know how to best use the blessings you have entrusted to me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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