May 3, 2020
You Qualify
Don't waste another minute thinking you somehow don't qualify for God's help because of the messes in your life.
Read more..Don't waste another minute thinking you somehow don't qualify for God's help because of the messes in your life.
Read more..The book of Acts shows that, when believers are filled with the Spirit, they’re anything but stationary. They speak God’s Word boldly. They endure persecution. They care for and do good to others. Being filled with the Spirit goes beyond brimming with joy, peace, self-control, and the like. He produces action.
Read more..You can walk the Covid road knowing the peace that is absolutely beyond understanding. It’s God’s sure promise.
Read more..Faith is where I stand and why I can stand strong today. "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith." 1 John 5:4
Read more..Question: How does God’s unchanging nature give you comfort in difficult times of instability?
Read more..God says to each of us, “I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.” Lord, show me how big you are. Help me see you for who you really are. Amen.
Read more..I have never seen the Spirit with my eyes, but he bears witness with my spirit that I am his.
Read more..The first step in our journey of exploring the Holy Spirit in our lives is to allow our minds to be transformed and our hope set fully on the grace that redeemed us from an empty way of life.
Read more..Do you feel a bit lost right now? It’s okay. If Jesus is with you, you are never alone. Call out to the Holy Spirit to comfort you and guide you. He’ll grasp your hand. You can count on it.
Read more..Be careful. Hard hearts never heal. Spongy ones do! Open every pore of your soul to God’s presence. Here’s how. Lay claim to the nearness of God.
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