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Tag: God’s love

August 8, 2019

Abundant, Supernatural Life

My friend Randy had given up on the Christian life. He said, "I have tried, but failed so many times; nothing seems to work. God doesn't hear my prayers, and I am tired of trying.

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August 8, 2019

Soar Like an Eagle

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life’s problems? You want to soar above them but you feel yourself being sucked under. During one such time, a chaplain’s true story gave me hope.

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August 7, 2019

Energizing Verses for Every Day

What if we started our days with the enthusiasm to see what might happen. * The desire to see what God has planned for us.* The willingness to step up, out of our comfort zones, to follow where God leads.

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August 5, 2019

Out of the Pit

Years ago, I fell into a season of total despair. And although I knew God was with me, the more time passed and my circumstances didn’t change, I struggled deeply with trusting Him and keeping hope alive.

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August 5, 2019

God’s Protection

Can you look back over your life and see instances of God’s protection?  Did God keep you from a bad relationship? Or protect you from the wrong job?

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August 3, 2019

Remember Whose You Are

I don't know your story and you don't know mine, but we share a common theme. We are driven by the search for true identity,

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August 2, 2019

You are Defined by God, and God Alone

Your faith will grow stronger as you focus on your identity in Christ (Galatians 2). What this means is that you abandon any image of yourself that is not from God.

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August 1, 2019

Hit and Run

God wants us to face our problem situations and work them out. With His personal presence in our lives, and His wonderful promises of help and encouragement, we will begin to see His hand at work in our lives,

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August 1, 2019

Have You Checked Your Compass Lately?

If we don’t allow Jesus to set our compass (course) each morning, we can begin heading slightly off course. It may seem insignificant today and even tomorrow, but where will we be next year? “Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor” (Hebrews 12:2).

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July 31, 2019

Serve As Jesus Did

Thought - Think of a practical way that you can serve someone you know and make a plan to do it today. Next, ask God to provide you with an opportunity to serve a stranger today.

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