June 18, 2019
Blessed Are Those Who Love the Irritating
When someone sins against us, our flesh rises up and demands retribution. But the way of grace must watch over our hearts, guard our mouths, and release the offender.
Read more..When someone sins against us, our flesh rises up and demands retribution. But the way of grace must watch over our hearts, guard our mouths, and release the offender.
Read more..“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars,
Read more..In a world of startling beauty and a universe of dazzling diversity, our hearts are to be drawn back to the One who made it and now sustains it.
Read more..The Effects of a Passive Spirit Scripture contains many examples of David’s valor. As a
Read more..“God already sees you as perfect in him.” Based on my own ongoing and painfully slow transformation, I jokingly asked my friend if she ever wondered if God might need glasses.
Read more..Have you ever really messed up? Maybe it was a mistake or a poor choice, but it was something so big you didn’t see a way to come back from it. I imagine we all have.
Read more..Dear God, help me follow your plan for my life so I can please you. Let me walk by faith so I can see mighty things happen in my life as others see my faith in action. In Jesus’ name I ask, amen.
Read more..Are you willing to commit to speaking truth even when it’s costly? Altering income tax information, falsely enhancing your image on social media, or ignoring a miscalculation in your favor on a receipt isn’t worth the loss of character that comes with deception.
Read more..Jesus calls Christians to words and actions that go far beyond civility, even civility. His call is life altering, indeed it is death to self.
Read more..All of us will be walking in more of the Luke 4:18-19 (NKJV) ministry of
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