March 12, 2019
Making Progress
Prayer: Father, thank you for providing everything we need to grow spiritually. Forgive us for too often being satisfied with the status quo, or measuring ourselves by others.
Read more..Prayer: Father, thank you for providing everything we need to grow spiritually. Forgive us for too often being satisfied with the status quo, or measuring ourselves by others.
Read more..How can we be confident in what happens today? What is our assurance for tomorrow? Where do we muster excitement about eternity?
Read more..In Scotland, two men were thatching a roof. One slipped and fell off.The other heard him cry out but couldn't reach out fast enough to save his friend.
Read more..I don’t know if the perplexing part of my journey was God changing me, preparing me, testing me, or the enemy assaulting me, or if it was all of those
Read more..Your mind is the doorway to your heart. The Holy Spirit stands with you on the threshold, helping you manage and filter the thoughts that try to enter.
Read more..God will not withhold His love from us or abandon His plan. Our momentary discontent cannot separate us from God’s love. His heart of compassion is stirred towards us.
Read more..When you pray, do you rant and shake your fist at God? Or do you sit quietly, assured of his faithful renewal even amidst turmoil?
Read more..By faith I believed and salvation was my gift. By faith and hope I know what I believe. I believe in God, His love, His grace,His Son, His plan for my life.
Read more..Often, one of the only things we can do for someone is to be there. 3 Things We Can Do to Make a Difference in Someone's Day
Read more..Action Point: Because I have been given authority over the enemy, by faith I will exercise that authority on behalf of others as well as myself, believing God for ultimate victory in each situation.
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