September 8, 2018
The Strap
Dearest Lord, let us strap ourselves to you. Anchor us in faith and help us to cling to your love, no matter what swirls around us.
Read more..Dearest Lord, let us strap ourselves to you. Anchor us in faith and help us to cling to your love, no matter what swirls around us.
Read more..God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed. He cures the common life by giving no common life, by offering no common gifts. Don't discount the smallness of your deeds.
Read more..God prunes us for His purpose and His glory, and when we turn to Him with our disappointment, exhaustion, sadness, and even our anger, He comforts us with love and compassion
Read more..What does availability look like? Dear Father, today I give You may plans, desires, and time. I desire to be available to You each moment.
Read more..Each day provides plentiful opportunities to take offense. A friend ignores you, a stranger rudely takes advantage of you, a family member speaks unkindly to you. But, we can choose how we respond. Covering an offense costs us.
Read more..Whenever someone hurts or frustrates us, we can decide whether to react in a godly or worldly fashion. No matter how much blame we attempt to offload onto others, the Lord is not misled by our maneuvering. He looks at the heart.
Read more..Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Since God has graciously granted us endurance, we do have the ability to complete our race on earth.
Read more..Lord, Let me humbly serve you Lord and not myself. Let my thoughts, my actions, and my words glorify you God; as others may see you and not me.
Read more..How Christ Modeled Humility. Although humility is not highly valued in our society, it’s essential in the Christian life. And the one who set the pattern for it is Jesus Himself.
Read more..Self-righteous. Friend, there’s no “earning” God’s favor.Admit you’re wrong and ask for His mercy. Luke 14:11 “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
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