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Tag: God’s love

January 28, 2024

From the Eyes of God

Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?

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January 27, 2024

Infinite Forgiveness

Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is a lifelong journey. We will need each other’s encouragement—and the grace and mercy of God—as we learn to forgive the way Jesus taught us.

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January 27, 2024


The way we forgive people who have deeply hurt us is nowhere close to the forgiveness with which God forgives us. Colossians 3:12b-13 teaches us to put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness...

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January 26, 2024

Continuing in Fear

Dear Lord, as I obey your will, please give me courage to do what you want me to do. Take away the fear as I walk out your plans for me. Amen.

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January 26, 2024

Life’s Uncertainty Teaches God Can be Trusted

Strong verses to focus on during times of uncertainty. If we will allow it, our circumstances drive us deeper into the heart of God

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January 25, 2024

The Measure of Maturity

Jesus said His disciples would be known by their love. Beloved, to walk in covering love is to show ourselves truly acquainted with Christ. 

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January 24, 2024

Rocky Place

Dearest Lord, Be the solid thing on which we can stand, and the firm foundation on which we can rest. Amen.

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January 24, 2024

Selling Yourself Short

Are you settling for something less than God’s best for you? If so, you need to spread your wings and fly. God wants you to be all that He created you to be.

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January 23, 2024

What’s Done is Done

“The wages of sin is death.”  Sin is fatal. Your failures are not fatal, my friend! We have a father who cares for us in spite of our failures

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January 23, 2024

The Last Place First

Why is prayer always my last resort instead of my first inclination?  Could it be that I don’t really KNOW who He is?

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