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Tag: God’s love

January 17, 2024


If we face the fact that we will go through trials, we can trust God’s promise that He will work everything for our good.

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January 16, 2024

Blessed Obedience

We are blessed, not because we fulfill the great calling, but rather when we obey the voice of God. God looks at our heart and sees the willing servant. Is this where I am positioned today? Am I listening for God’s specific word for me and responding?

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January 16, 2024

Obedience Leads to Blessing

Security comes as we put God’s precepts into practice. We’re only as strong as our obedience.

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January 15, 2024

The Ride of Your Life

Each day God invites you to embark on an adventure with Him; to trust Him when you are fearful; to feel the wind of His Spirit in your hair as you go. It may only be a ride around the block

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January 14, 2024

Obstacles or Pathways

Have you ever asked the Lord to draw you closer to Himself -- then, found an overwhelming trial lying between you and that closeness?

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January 14, 2024

Learning To Fail and Succeed in God

What fears are holding you back from boldly stepping into the abundant life God has for you? How could you overcome those fears through Christ?

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January 13, 2024

It is Better…

It is better to be needy So He can give what’s best; It is better to be yielded So He can give you rest. It is better to be empty So He can be your all; It is better to be silent So you can hear His call.

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January 13, 2024

Praying the Scripture

This is a sample Prayer for God to continue His work in the hearts of those I love. You too can pray this people you love.

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January 12, 2024

In Time

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

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January 12, 2024

Developing Patience

James tells us to consider trials a joy (1:2). But we often fail at this, don't we? Humanly speaking, praising the Lord for tribulation is unnatural. However, doing so begins to make sense to believers when they cling to God's promise that good comes from hardship.

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