February 26, 2024
Is Your Bucket Empty?
Whatever you have been through or are going through right now, I pray that your bucket be filled and runneth over with faith, hope, joy, and love in Jesus.
Read more..Whatever you have been through or are going through right now, I pray that your bucket be filled and runneth over with faith, hope, joy, and love in Jesus.
Read more..Some people say they have sinned too long and too bad to ever be accepted by Christ. Don’t you believe it.
Read more..More than conquerors! What a great phrase. In Christ, this is who we are: more than conquerors. No hardship, enemy, physical disaster, not even death, can separate us from Jesus. Once our lives are joined to Jesus, our future is tied to him (Colossians 3:1-4).
Read more..God really does choose those who seem inadequate or weak in this world. He doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called, and you have been called according to His purpose!
Read more..This is the ultimate revelation of His heart. Let the One who is Holy Love re-parent you in His love.
Read more..We can be at home with Jesus every single day. All we have to do is knock on the door—Him.
Read more..Recently I chatted with experts in listening attentively and empathetically to callers who suffer from depression, loneliness, or various life hang-ups. I asked, “What does it mean to listen to God? More than that, how do we listen to God?” The responses came quickly:
Read more..“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4 People try so hard in life — to change, to be successful, to impress others, to stay in control. Many feel like they never measure up; they are disappointed in themselves.
Read more..Worldly wisdom amounts to nothing in the eyes of our omniscient, all-wise Father (1 Corinthians 1:20), and He expects His children to request and follow His guidance.
Read more..The likes of Noah, Abraham and Paul, himself, are counting on you. You've got the baton now, and they can't receive the prize they fought so hard for until you finish.
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