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Tag: God’s love

January 4, 2024

A Simple Promise for a Hurried Life

I just spent an unhurried weekend in an unhurried town with a good friend who’s never in a hurry. Coming from a hurried town and a hurried life, slowing down didn’t come easy. Until slowing down was required—slower than I realized.

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January 4, 2024

Filled with Joy and Peace

Hope and joy and peace sound terrific! Two things are vital for this to be a part of our lives. First, we must trust God to meet our needs and get us to where we need to be. Second, we expect the power of the Holy Spirit to bless us and empower us with God's qualities.

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January 3, 2024

Life’s Greatest Investment

Today's Action Point: Recognizing myself as God's steward, I will prayerfully seek to learn what He would have me to d

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January 3, 2024

Be Strengthened In The Lord

Always strengthen yourself in God's word, for clarity, help and divine direction concerning any situation.

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January 2, 2024

Looking for a New Road

Are you aware of having certain patterns in your life that you are unable - even unwilling to change? They seem so entrenched, so beyond your ability to do anything about.

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January 1, 2024

Six Needs You Will Have in 2024

Six Needs You Will Have in the New Year. 1. There will be the need for prayer. 2. There will be the need to trust: 3....

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December 31, 2023

Singing into the Future

The first line of the final stanza. ”God of the coming years, through paths unknown we follow you. The past is past, we cannot change any of its triumphs or losses. We now face the future and its sure challenges, its unknown paths."

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December 29, 2023

God is Good All the Time

God’s goodness is the same on bad days as it is on good days. People who attest to God’s goodness in their lives do not experience an absence of trouble but rather have a keen awareness of God’s presence in every situation.

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December 29, 2023

God is Thinking about You

I realized that God loves me so much that He is thinking about me all the time. He loves me more than I love that little granddaughter. Could anything be more wonderful than having the King of Kings love me that much? Could anything be more wonderful than the King of Kings love YOU that much? I can't help but say, "Hallelujah!"

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December 29, 2023

Happy Endings

Question: When you’re facing a stumbling block, and you’re struggling to keep Heaven in focus, which Scripture verses do you turn to?

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