November 21, 2023
Have You Forgiven Yourself?
Forgiving Yourself: Is there something in your life for which you feel guilty? You don’t need to. Simply accept God’s love and forgiveness.
Read more..Forgiving Yourself: Is there something in your life for which you feel guilty? You don’t need to. Simply accept God’s love and forgiveness.
Read more..Read: Psalm 103:10-14 Have you ever come to the Lord in repentance, confessing your wrongdoing,
Read more..I believe Jesus delights in us today, especially those who come to Him with the same childlike faith rushing forward with determination.
Read more..Devotional: Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”
Read more..Even when there is no comfort to be found in the world, there is comfort in God. There is no need for you to collapse in despair. Go to the Comforter, and ask Him to give you consolation.
Read more..2 Corinthians 7:6 “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” Dear one, be comforted. We are part of the Body of Christ. And it’s through this Body that He ministers to us. Even in our darkest days.
Read more..“If I don’t think about everything that makes me anxious, what am I going to think about?” I asked my counselor. I had to laugh at hearing myself ask the question out loud.
Read more..Experiences affect how people think about themselves and what they choose to believe. Sometimes negative events create a hurtful thought pattern that can play in someone’s brain in a continuous loop.
Read more..God’s grace is greater than your failures! In God’s hands no defeat is a crushing defeat.
Read more..When people see you reflect Jesus, they are drawn to His great love. They'll sense His unconditional acceptance.
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